Extra (sadism/retribution)

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Continued from edging

I land in the center of Tank's bed with a soft exhale, still smiling. He stands back, thumbs hooking into his waistband. My eyes lock onto his orgasm-spent cock as he peels off his shorts. I stifle another laugh, not well.

Tank's head snaps up to glare at me. "Yeah? Is it funny?" He asks.

I nod, trying to tamp down my laughter. "It's... it's a little funny c'mon..." I start. Tank lifts his brows at that, smiling as he turns into his closet. I see a flash of the case and snap my mouth shut. Oops.

"I'm sorry—" I start. Tank turns, holding the wand vibrator and rope. I squeeze my thighs together, shifting up the bed.

"I was just joking—" I beg as Tank silently approaches. He drops everything to the bed and grabs me at the ankle, pulling me back down the mattress to him.

Tank's hand drags up my thigh, holding a pair of my underwear that I didn't notice him grab. He starts to put them on me and I take a quick breath, a bit at a loss for what's happening. I ask as much, to no answer.

Tank pulls the panties up to my hips, letting the waistband snap on my skin. He spreads my legs apart, palming me over my underwear. I squirm under his hand, tilting my head back to submit. He keeps going, pressing harder until he's grinding against my clit over the cloth. The sensation makes me moan, shivering as I start to catch on. He's going to force me to cum like this.

I dart my hands down, wrapping them around his wrist to fight still his movement. "Daddy c'mon. I'm sorry." I say with a pout, searching his face.

Tank blinks at me, and pulls back. I'm surprised at how quickly he forfeits, then I see him pick up the wand and rope. He didn't forfeit. He forces my legs further apart, jerking me down the mattress toward him. I pull in a sharp breath, searching his face.

Tank presses a kiss to my knee to settle me and presses the wand between my legs. He's quick with the rope, tying it to me so that it stays locked in place. My stomach clenches, knowing what's coming next. He flips the wand on, straight to max.

I moan, loud, jerking my legs and shooting my hands down to pull at it. Tank laughs, grabbing my wrists in a bruising hold and collecting them behind my back as he manhandles me into his arms.

I shudder, pleasure building from the power of the vibrations. Tank lifts me and carries me back into the living room, sitting down on the couch with me writhing in his lap, my back flush to his chest. He keeps one hand holding my struggling wrists behind my back, the other flat on my stomach. I jerk, shivering into a climax.

"I see what you mean." Tank says as I whine, thighs clenched tight on the wand. "It is pretty funny." He says, then laughs, dragging his free hand up to grope my chest.

I gasp out another moan as my orgasm slowly ebbs back into building pleasure. "I'm sorry, please can we just, ah—" I start. My words are cut off in my mouth as Tank's hand shoots up, covering my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up. Take it." Tank says, all heat. He presses a contrastingly gentle kiss to my neck. I whimper into his palm, squirming against his grip. His hands only tighten, pinning me in place to his chest.

Tank's leg pushes between my thighs, forcing them to part as my hips roll, instinctively trying to ride the wand. "Look at that. You're already behaving." He says low, then drops his hand to my throat.

I whine, tilting my head back to press it into his chest. "Daddy I'm sorry—" I choke out. Tank's hand tightens around my throat as he presses a kiss to my shoulder.

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