28 (fluff, smut)

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I wake up to Anna crawling into bed in front of me, shaking me awake. I blink, batting her hands away as I come to. "Wake up." Anna says, squirming her hands against my sides. I jerk away from her with a groan, thumping against Tank who stirs against my back. Anna laughs, continuing to bother me as I moan and roll onto Tank's chest.

Tank grunts at the sudden weight, arms wrapping around me instinctively. He barely opens his eyes enough to squint up at me, blinking in confusion. "I've got good news!" Anna chirps from right beside us. I watch the process of Tank's eyes drifting over to follow her voice, then widening as he flinches back in surprise.

I have to stifle a laugh as Anna barrels on, unbothered. "So I got a call this morning!" She says. I feel Tank shifting awkwardly, trying to use me to block himself off. "We're officially in the clear from Friday." She says. I turn to face her, rubbing my cheek against Tank's chest.

"You crawled in bed with us to say that?" I ask. Anna shrugs. "I also wanted to wake you up." She says with a pout. "And make sure you weren't fucking agai-" I kick at her before she can finish, trying to push her out of the bed.

She slaps my legs away, but rolls out of the bed nonetheless. "Get up! It's our last day!" She says, tugging at the blanket. I groan, sitting up, just to get her to go away. She grins, before finally turning to leave and go back upstairs.

I sigh, and flop back down onto Tank. "I'd rather die than get out of this bed." I mumble into his chest. His hands pat my ass before resting, idly groping me.

"You aren't excited for me to show you around?" Tank asks. I'm confused for a moment before I remember, the reason why we're even came here— showing each other our hometowns. I quickly sit up at that, hopping off on him with enough force that he exhales forcefully. He grins, quick to follow me up.


It's just before noon when we finally pile into Anna's car. We drive around our town first, in the light of day this time. We slowly drive by Nora and I's houses, sure to point them out to Sofia and Tank, but don't stay too long, in case our family were to see us and force us into visiting them. We end up eating lunch in town at a place we used to frequent in high school.

We loiter there a little longer than we mean to before finally heading back out. Anna passes her keys to Tank, making him drive us to his town despite his his protests on the basis that he's driving us home later. However, he'a placated as soon as I lay my head on his shoulder.

I can tell Tank's nervous as we ooh and ah at everything he points out, regardless of whether or not it's exciting. Though, as the day winds down, I'm a little disappointed that I'm not surprised by anything. However, right when I think we're about to head back he leans over and looks at me.

"I think since you showed me your little hideout, it's only fair I show you mine." Tank says. My curiosity piques at that, as does everyone else's, if the noises coming from the backseat say anything. He huffs a quick laugh, turning down an unfamiliar beat road. I watch as the landscape slowly shifts into a forest.

Nora laughs from the back seat. "Looks like tree boy is gonna show us some trees." She says. I spin in my seat to glare at her but can't help my own smile. Tank laughs beside me. "You'll see." He says.

"Okay, that's cryptic..." Anna says. She grabs my shoulder from behind my seat, leaning close, "Are you sure he isn't about to kill us?" She says to just me, though loud enough that everyone can hear. I can't contain the laughter that bursts from my throat.

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