24 (plot, fluff)

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I wake up and immediately lift my arms to the warmth I feel moving on my neck. "Mmmmpf." Falls out of my mouth before I can even form a thought. My fingers thread into Tank's hair, cradling him as his mouth moves against my throat.  He stays only a second longer before pulling back. "Baby, it's time to get going." Tank says.

I whine in response, holding him tighter to me. He fights back, though not with any real intent. "Noooo, please just a little longer." I whine. He gives up immediately.

"Fine. Just a little bit more." Tank says. He sighs and allows himself to be dragged into my chest. He keeps kissing me everywhere his mouth meets skin, scratching me with his morning stubble as his lips travel across my chest. I shift my hips, working to wrap my legs around his abdomen. He moves with me easily, familiar weight settling between my thighs.

His hands are warm where they massage up and down my sides. I moan, starting to squirm underneath of him. Tank stills me immediately, pressing his face to my throat and laughing. "How are you so fucking horny— sweetheart we have to go." He says.

I pout, feeling a bit shameless as I scrape my nails down his back. "Stop fucking me so good and maybe I won't jump you all the time." I say, then keep moving underneath of him, trying to work my way a bit lower.

Tank laughs, lifting himself and sitting back on his heels between my legs. He pins me by my hips, holding me actually still as I whine and buck, now able to see where his dick is sitting, half mast in his underwear.

"What?" Tank says, looking at me with a wry grin. He leans closer, but still out of reach for me to make any connection to his body. "You want me to two pump chump you?" He says with a grin.

I sigh, ready to tease him back. I cast my head to the side in a performance of drama. "It's just so hard orgasming all the time... just once if you left me unsatisfied—" Tank laughs before I can finish, re-pinning me with the weight of his body to pinch my sides. The tease makes me twitch and laugh until my stomach burns.

I hit his shoulders, fighting to shove him off as he continues. "Tank— TANK." I shout. With a final laugh he pulls off of me and rises to his feet, walking toward the door. He swings it open, but rests against it, waiting for me.

I continue laying on the bed catching my breath before I get up. Tank hesitates, almost reaching toward me, but stays where he's at, "C'mon. We gotta go shower and get ready or your roommates are gonna kill us when they get here." He says.

I groan, stretching, before fighting to convince my legs to move. I barely lift to my feet, wobbling as I go, determined to make it somewhere without Tank having to carry me. I smile, proud of myself as I shoulder past him into the hallway— and immediately trip over my own feet. His hands snap out to catch me, as he reels me back against his chest.

Tank tries, unsuccessfully, to hide a laugh as I pout in his arms, suddenly being carried into the bathroom. Once inside, I squirm out of his arms, escaping to lean against the shower. I start it this time- considering that it's my shower- and hop in without him. I yelp at the cold water, but allow it to wake me up as I reach for my soap.

Tank follows me in after shedding his briefs. He immediately crowds me against the shower wall, hands everywhere as he holds me in place. He leans forward, eyes closed, smelling the lathered soap I'm holding to my chest. "God that smells so fucking— you." He says, taking a deep inhale. I shy away in his arms, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I- I mean yeah, it's my soap. It ought to smell like me." I stutter. He smiles down at me with half-lidded eyes, looking a bit blissed out.

"It smells really good." He says without a hint of shame. I duck my head, blushing, and slap his shoulder.

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