32 (fluff, angst)

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I wake up warm, blanketed by Tank. I always wake up warm these days. I lean in and press a kiss to his cheek. Briefly, his eyes move, but stay closed. Contentment settles low in my stomach as I sneak my way out of his arms. He's always taking care of me, I want to do it just once.

I carefully slip out of the bed and slip a shirt on before making my way out of the room and to his kitchen. Against my better judgement I'm going to make us food. I open his pantry and find an apron that I put one. It's... ridiculously too large for me, and I briefly wonder where he even found it.

I make my way to the fridge and peer inside of it, staring down the food like it's an enemy. Grilled cheese, that's easy enough, I can do this.

I cannot do this.

I stand above the trashcan scraping a burnt mess of food into the trash. Okay... plan b. Gnawing my nail, I start to snoop through Tank's drawers, looking for a napkin, a receipt, a menu, any indication of a restaurant he might like. I nearly shout with joy when I find a singular sauce packet labeled with the name of a local Thai place.

I swing myself back into the living room and flop down on the couch, crafting a delivery order. I take a guess on what he'd eat, just based on knowing him. The second I've sent the order I remember he's taken me to a restaurant before and cringe. That would've been much easier to remember, and then I would've been able to get him something I know he'd like. I sigh, accepting my fate. I curl up with my legs to my chest and pull out my phone while I wait for food.

Just before the food is scheduled to arrive, Tank stumbles out of his room, in boxers again, idly itching his stomach and blinking like he woke up only seconds ago. He walks straight for me as I lower my phone. He brackets me in, pressing me into the couch with his full weight as he pushes forward until his face is in my neck.

I exhale a laugh, bringing my hands up to slap his back as he forcibly adjusts us until he's blanketing me. "Why'd you go... I missed you." He says against my skin. I feel gooey, parting my legs and wrapping them around him.

"It's a secret." I say, teasing. Tank laughs against my neck for a moment before his head snaps up and he takes a long inhale.

"I... I don't know if my nose is fucked up. Do you smell something burning?" Tank asks, voice tense. I flounder for a moment, embarrassed.

"Um. I attempted to cook a grilled cheese. Key word: attempted." I admit. Tank turns his face back toward me, brow furrowed with a face of disbelief.

"I... you burnt a grilled cheese?" He exclaims more than asks, staring down at me.

I grimace, feeling embarrassed before laughing. "Yeah... I'm not exactly... well-versed in the kitchen." I say, then duck my head. I'm startled when I feel a kiss presses to my forehead.

"That's okay. I'll teach you sometime." Tank says. I feel myself melting under the attention when we're pulled from the intimacy by a knock on the door. Tank's head shoots up, face looking stern.

"I ordered food." I admit, before Tank pops a blood vessel. His face relaxes, and he rocks off the couch to his feet, swinging over to the door. He grabs the food, and turns back to me, face beaming. The second he closes the door he turns for the kitchen.

"I love you for this!" Tank shouts from the other room. I roll my eyes and hop to my feet, to grab my food too. As I round into the kitchen I find him standing there, using chopsticks to shovel noodles into his mouth.

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