16 (SMUT)

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I wake up in the middle of the night to a loud roll of thunder, with my head feeling heavy, only barely fuzzier than usual. Tank is half on top of me, weighing me down. Recollection of the previous few hours comes crashing in and I blink, flush rising as embarrassment floods my core.

Feeling me moving underneath of him Tank stirs, waking up, himself. He yawns, eyes slowly blinking open. Coming to, he moves himself fully on top me me, settling between my legs and pressing our bodies together. He lowers himself, kissing my neck softly. I want to embrace the tenderness of the moment, but I can't control myself, feeling his dick sitting heavy in his boxers, pressed between my legs. Feeling greedy, I roll my hips up against him, grinding his hard cock against me.

Tank groans softly, and I watch his body flex with restraint above me. His hands snap to position on me, resting in the dip of my waist. He moves his hips with new purpose, grinding his cock against me in slow movements. I part my legs receptively, sighing under him, trying to press as close as I can. "I needed you to fuck me," I say, slowly, "Like hours ago."

Tank's fingers press into my waist, almost bruising. Fully awake now, there's power in his grip as he shoves me up the bed with a rough jerk of his hips. "You're such a little whore for me." He growls against my neck.

Butterflies bloom in my stomach at the rough treatment, excited for him to take complete control. He grinds down against me, hard, and I moan, hands tensing on his body, as he rolls, fucking me over our clothes. His mouth locks to mine in a deep kiss, hand moving to support himself on the wall behind me.

In the low light, unfamiliar with my bedroom, he fumbles, hand catching on my nightstand for support. He laughs into my mouth as my lips curl into a small smile. He looks up to where he slipped, hips rocking against me for good measure as our mouths break apart. I feel soft underneath him, waiting for him to fuck me already. His brows knit together as he stretches forward to my nightstand, grabbing for something I can't see. I try to follow him with my eyes, searching for what he's grabbing, "What's-" I start, and stutter to a stop, stomach swinging low, as I realize.

He looks down at me with a smirk, holding my vibrator in front of my face, I guess I forgot to put it away. I blush ferociously, covering my face with my hands, embarrassment blooming. He uses his free hand to pry my hands from my face, enclosing them in a loose hold above my head. He leans down, crowding into my personal space, kissing me slowly. "What are you embarrassed about?" He asks, against my lips. I whine, hesitant to answer, "I don't know," I begin, moving underneath of him, "It's just embarrassing." I finish, closing my eyes tight.

Tank hums from on top of me, lips moving against my neck. I feel the wand press between our bodies, head placed where my legs are spread. Tank pauses his movements for a moment, cock pressed to my thigh, "This okay?" He asks. I nod fervently, voice tight in my throat. He clicks it on, in an instant the vibrations hit me, strong, even from overtop of my clothes. I writhe against it, hands flying up to grip his arms. I moan, high, desperately clamping my legs around Tank as I press into the wand, body rolling as I grind against it.

I manage to flutter my eyes open, looking at Tank as he arches over me, studying me with a burning intensity. The air is filled with constant noise from me, my high breathy whines interrupted only by the persistent rolling thunder. His other hand drags over my chest, teasing my nipples that peak in the soft silk fabric. I find it impossible to still when all of Tank's attention is focused on me like this. My body sings from the pleasure, every inch of me claimed.

He clicks the vibrator, upping the power. I cry out from the overwhelming sensation burning in my stomach, twitching as I orgasm underneath of him. Tank moves forward, removing the hitachi and slotting himself back between my legs, swallowing my moans with his mouth. I arch with his body, flush against him, grinding my still pulsing pussy against his hard cock. His kisses move back to my jaw, hips still pressing me into the mattress. "You got anything else you wanna show me?" He asks teasingly, hands drifting up my shirt. I nod into his shoulder. "I keep all of my sex stuff in the suitcase under the bed," I confess, feeling cum-loose, with my lips pressed to his throat.

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