**Demi's POV**
Paulina takes Kelly out of the room. I guess she never actually liked me, it was all for the cameras. When I told her to leave, I didn't think she actually would, I didn't know what I expected, but definitely not that. This is just tugging on my emotions, and reminding me of what my dad did. Leave. It's really hard to deal with my fathers death, but being dropped by my best friend stings like a bitch. In a way, I'm taking it harder than my fathers death, I put all my trust in Kelly.I make my way to the bathroom and pull it out. My best friend, my blade. I fiddle around with it in my fingers then position it on my wrist and slowly drag it along, enjoying the few seconds that I forget everything and focus on the blood dripping down my arm. I think of my father and feel sadness dawn over me again. I grab a towel and clean myself up, running my cuts under the tap.
I grab a hoodie and throw it over my dress, not being bothered to change. I crawl back into bed and take the photo out from under my pillow and hug it close to me. I cry, harder than I ever have before. I have the urge to cut more, but honestly I don't know if I can move from this spot.
**Simon's POV**
I hear Kelly and Paulina walking down the hall, I come out my room to see Kelly crying.
"Kelly, what happened?" I ask her.
"I- shouted at Demi, I lost it when she's already feeling like shit. She was backing away from me!" Kelly cries.
"Why? How did it happen?"
"Kel tries to help Dem, and get her to open up to us. Demi is lying in bed hugging a, photo of her father and was really struggling." Paulina answers for her.
"All she needs, and all she wants is someone to stay with her and support her. I realise that now, I wish I didn't do that, she need someone right now," Kelly cries, "She won't want me right now, I'll give her like another hour, I don't want to be too pushy." She continues.
"I could go, but she won't want me right now." I say.
"Niall. Send Niall in." Kelly says.
"Niall? 1D Niall? Why?" I say.
"They've gotten so close recently." Paulina says.
"They're not dating right?" I say.
"No, they like each other though." Kelly says.
"Not important at this now. Come on let's get him go in." Paulina says.We go over to his hotel room and knock.
"Hello?" He says and notices it's us.
"Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here? Where's Demi?" He asks.
"That's kinda why we're here.. Can you go check on her? Long story short she got in a fight with Kelly and she's alone right now." Simon says.
"We're not in a fight.. Well? How did you legit missed the most important part Simon," she chuckles.
"What do you mean?" I say confused.
"Niall doesn't know.." Paulina says.
"What?" I say even more confused.
"Um, there's something important we need to tell you, please don't tell anyone else. Demi's, um, dad died." Kelly says.
"And she's alone right now! She's been through so much and she's alone? I'm going now." He makes his way to Demi's room.**Niall's POV**
I can't believe they left her alone, and got in a fight with her when she's going through something like this. Kelly gave me a key when I left for her room so I can get in immediately.I open the door and see her crying snuggled up in her bed. She notices me and I quickly wrap my arms around her.
"Shhh, I'm here for you now." I whisper in her ear as she cries into my shoulder.
"S-sorry.." She quietly says.
"You have nothing to be sorry for DemDem."
"Why are you here? Everyone leaves me." She whispers making my heart break.
"No they don't, Kelly wanted to come in but she said you wouldn't want her right now. Kelly's really sorry for what happened she feels shit." I say.
"She left me. I needed her, I shouldn't rely on her. She's trying to make me tell her everything and rely on her, then she does this. It shows me I shouldn't put trust in anyone." She says.
"Dem, you're always going to get in fights with people, it doesn't mean you can't trust them. D please try to forgive her." I plead her
"I'll try."
"I'm so sorry about your dad." I say sympathetically.
"It's fine." I look down.We stay snuggled up in bed, watching something on the TV. I'm not properly paying attention though. I can't get my dad out of my head, and how I treated Kelly.
"Ni, I think I need to apologise to Kelly." I say sniffling slightly.
"Dem, take off your makeup and I'll come with you." He tells me.
"But then I'll have to redo it, I can just fix my makeup slightly." I say.
"Dem, you don't need to redo it. You're so beautiful without makeup. You don't need it D," He tells me, I fake smile and take a makeup wipe to my face.
"See, you don't need makeup. You're so beautiful." I blush and look down.
"Hey, you're still wearing your dress from auditions? Put on some sweats." He tells me. I take off my hoodie that was covering my dress and make my way to my closet and get grey sweatpants with a black cami Kelly gave me. I go into the bathroom and change.I come out of the bathroom and see Niall on his phone lying on my bed. I jump onto his back and we both start laughing.
Demetria get off him.
You're too fat.
Get off him you whale.I scramble off him and Niall gets up and grabs me, and I end up on his back. I freak out and put my arms around his chest, he puts his hands on my ass making my blush.
"NiNi put me down, you'll get tired." I say trying to get my point across without saying 'I'm too heavy for this'.
"Dem you're so light, I'm good."He makes his way to the door and opens it. I'm laughing really hard, he's helped me take my mind off everything else going on my my life right now.
He puts me down when we make it to Kelly's door. I look at him, with fear in my eyes. He engulfs me in a big hug. I stand in front of the door and slowly bring my fist to the door, and lightly knock.

Just By Putting On a Smile
FanficDemi Lovato, the Disney star who went crazy. She was admitted into rehab at 18 for self harm, and eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. At 19, she's trying to make her way back into the spotlight after rehab, while promoting this 'n...