Chapter 23- Eyes Up Here

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**Demi's POV**
We go into our rooms to change and the boys change downstairs. I sit on my phone for like 10 minutes, while drying off a bit and then I go to my drawers to get changed. I pull out a bra and panties, and pick out a black cami with grey shorts. I drop my towel and put on my panties.

I hear the door open and I quickly back up against the wall and throw my arm over my tits covering them, and an arm covering my stomach. Liams filming on his phone and Harry's holding a pie.
"Get the fuck out! I'm practically naked!" I shout.
"Not like we haven't seen it before," Louis says laughing.
"Hey, eyes up here. Now, get the fuck out!" I bend over against the wall to grab my towel, but my arm doesn't cover everything. I pull the towel up and cover myself.
"Wait Harry were you gonna pie me? Wait, are you still filming?! Guys get outtt." I moan. Liam flips his phone to film himself and the boys.
"We just got to see a lot more of Demi than we bargained for," He turns around to walk out, but lifts his phone above his head to film me.
"Say bye Demi!" Liam says laughing.
"Get outttt!" I shout.

Fucking Niall just saw me practically naked. They thought this was hilarious, and just a fun joke, and it would be if I was skinny and pretty, but I'm not. The other boys saw me too, but Niall will never like me now he's seen how fat I am. I quickly change and run through to Kelly's room and knock on the door.

She tells me to come in and I run in and hide my face on her shoulder.
"What happened?" She asks.
"They walked in while I was changing, and they just wouldn't leave!" I mutter.
"It's okay, it's just a joke. It's not a big deal, friends do stuff like this to embarrass each other all the time." She tells me.
"But they got it on video! Harry was gonna come in and throw a pie in my face so they were filming, and they didn't stop." I tell her.
"Don't worry they won't use it." She reassures me.
"B-but Kel I look like a fucking whale," I cry into her shoulder.
"Dem, never say that again. You're so beautiful, nobody else though that. Demi seriously, I wish you could see how skinny you are." Kelly says in a sad tone and sighs.

We head down stairs and talk with the guys for a while. I'm still really embarrassed, I look at my phone and see I have a text from Niall,

From: Nialler<3
D, meet me upstairs x

I look across the room at him and he nods his head up, I get up to make my way upstairs,
"Dem where are you going?" Paulina asks.
"Oh, I'm just going to the bathroom."

I get upstairs and wait in the corridor for Niall. I see him walking up the stairs, trying to be quiet, making me silently laugh. I open the door to my room and we both go in and sit on the bed.
"I was just bored down there to be honest. And I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something tomorrow after you do auditions?" He asks.
"Yeah that would be so fun!"

We sit on the bed and talk for about 10 minutes, loosing track of time.
"Shit Ni, they'll be getting suspicious."
"Oh yeah, we should probably go down." He says.

We both walk down the stairs and everyone stares at us. Shit. We forgot we went off at different times and came down together.
"Where were you two?" Simon asks suspicious.
"We both went to the bathroom and met on the way back and got talking." Niall says.
"The toilet together?" Harry says wiggling his eyebrows. I put my head in my hands.
"I love how easy it is to embarrass Demi, it's so fun!" Harry says laughing.

We all sit down and watch TV until Simon tries to be responsible by sending them home so they can film tomorrow, and we can hold auditions.

"Demi come on!" Simon shouts.
"Coming!" I shout back. I grab my raybans and trainers and make my way downstairs. We get in the car and make our way to the X Factor set.

"Demi, hello! Today we're going for more of a dark eye look with a yellow dress. Your hair will be quite long, to about your rib cage with a lot of extensions to make it look really full and thick, with a slight wave." I'm told.
"No jacket?" I ask slightly worried. Notice how in practically all of the auditions I have a jacket on? Yeah, it's a comfort for me, it hides me slightly, it hides my fat arms and takes a lot of attention away from my arms. While Kelly and Paulina are just wearing a dress I always have a jacket over mine, it's my thing. Most of the time it'll be a leather jacket, but I've experimented with other ones, like a feather one and a few others.
"We were thinking you could try a week without a jacket, didn't your publicist say she wanted to get you out of the emo edgy look you used to have?" She asks.
"She was fired by Simon, I have a new publicist. And I just feel more comfortable with a jacket on," I tell her.
"Try it on without a jacket first and we'll see what looks better." She says. I go and change into the dress, after my makeup and hair was done. I look so fat, I say that all the time, but it's true.

"Demi you look great! It looks so good without the jacket

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"Demi you look great! It looks so good without the jacket." She tells me. I have makeup covering my scars, but it might not be enough, it could rub off or sweat off during auditions.

After a lot of persuading, I got to wear a leather jacket. It may not be something that big to others, but it is to me, I need everything I can get to cover myself.

guys i'm so fucking sorry for not updating, i've had a lot of shit going on and schools a fucking bitch so i haven't had much time, i'll try to be more active sorry guys x

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