Chapter 25- I Fucked Up, Again

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**Demi's POV**
I fucked up. Again. Kelly is one of the only people I trust and I consider a proper friend, and I keep on raising my voice and being blunt with her! I've screwed up so many times, this has to be the last time she'll put up with all my shit, she's probably done with me.

I go to my dressing room, I shake out of my deafening thoughts, and flip my phone over, 12:34. I've got 26 minutes.

I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door, and reach for my razor. I sink down the wall with my knees pulled to my chest, I lift my hand and look at the slight reflection of myself in the shiny metal razor blade. I look pathetic, I'm a 19 year old girl who's living the dream, I've been on Disney channel, released 2 albums and releasing a new one soon, I'm a judge on the X Factor, I tour the world, what more could you ask for?

I choke back a sob as I pull up my jacket sleeve and put the metal to my wrist.

"Demi! We're on in 5 minutes!" I hear a voice shouting.

Shit. I must have lost track of time. I clean up my wrist and make my way out to see Kelly on my couch.
"Dem we need to go to the panel, I'm sorry for-"
"No it was me. I need to stop being so short with you I'm so sorry, I just hate being open and vulnerable," I say honestly.
"Dem please know you can always talk to me, I'll always be here to help you and talk to you about anything." She tells me.
"Thank you so much Kel, you're the absolute best most caring person I've ever met and you have no idea how much I appreciate it," I tell her and look down. She puts her arm around my shoulder,
"Let's get to the panel babygirl,"

**Demi's POV**
Time passes quickly, we're so consumed in X Factor we are tired by the time we get back to the house, making us quite lazy, except for one thing I've done, I dip dyed my hair blue at the ends, keeping the rest of my hair blonde. Recently Kelly's been acting really weird around me, more protective and she is being really weird by making sure I eat, I think she's catching on to my whole eating problem, all I need to do is convince her that I'm completely fine. We had 1D over yesterday, but they've gone to their next location on their tour, so it was out last time seeing them. And on top of that it's the first day of the 4 chair challenge.

My phone starts ringing, I contemplated not answering, until I saw the caller ID, Phil McIntre.

*On Call*
D-"Hello Phil,"
P-"Demi! Great news, I booked you a role,"
D-"Excuse me? Why haven't I got a say in this. And I'm so busy already and I don't have time for-"
P-"Demi come on, it's a role on Glee. And you started off acting so it won't be that hard, you could do with the publicity. I've already booked it so no going back, you won't be filming for a while so don't worry about it now. Bye," He hangs up.

I don't have the guts to stick up for myself, I wish I could just tell him 'no', but I can't. He said it won't be for a while, so I just need to try and take my mind off it.

I pack up my suitcase and notice a snapback lying on the floor. I screw my face up thinking of who's it is.. Oh, it's Niall's! I decide to mess with him and I take a quick selfie of myself it the hat and open Instagram.

 Oh, it's Niall's! I decide to mess with him and I take a quick selfie of myself it the hat and open Instagram

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@/ddlovato: Missing somethin? Mine now😝

I watch as everyone floods the comments asking who I'm on about. But one comment catches my eye,

@/niallofficial: Ha ha, very funny Lovato.

I chuckle to myself and make my way downstairs still wearing the hat, with my suitcase in one hand and sunglasses and phone in the other. Simon makes his way over to me, helping with my luggage. I put on the sunglasses and pull the snapback down slightly to cover my face better. We all get into the taxi,
"Demi don't you hate caps?" Simon says with his British accent.
"Noowe Ov Coaurse Noht" I say mimicking his accent. (I'm so sorry😂)
"Wait, is that Niall's?" He replies.
"Yeah check my insta," I say with a chuckle.
"Awww did he give it to you?" Kelly teases.
"No, he left it in my room," I say laughing.
"Why was he in your room?!" Simon says protectively.
"Because he's my FRIEND." I reply.

After our early morning flight we make it to the hotel we are staying in. Unlike last time we're not in a villa, or individual hotel rooms, we have the penthouse. There is a small communal area and 4 bedrooms.

We dump our stuff and make our way to the stadium where we're filming. We go straight into hair and makeup.

I just wear a simple grey t shirt with pearl white beading paired with a white skirt and belt

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I just wear a simple grey t shirt with pearl white beading paired with a white skirt and belt. My newly dyed hair is swept into a side braid, which goes great with my blue tips.

We first go into a room with just us 4 judges to narrow it down to 40 before the 4 chair challenge. We get to Amy White, (If you want a recap, reread Chapter 15, Amy White is Demi's childhood bully.)

"I mean, she sang the wrong song for her voice. But she has potential," Simon says.
"I think we should put her through, with the right mentoring she could be good," Kelly says.
"But there are people so much better than her," I say trying not to sound bitter.
"But she's definitely in the top 10 girls," Paulina says. I stay quiet, as they add her picture to the top 40 pile. There's nothing I can do.

i'm so sorry for not updating sooner, schools really hectic right now and i have so much going on, sorry x

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