Chapter 20- I've Missed This

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**Demi's POV**
Me and Kelly made our way home and we go to the living room to watch a movie, while curled up in big fluffy blankets with food. I feel my phone vibrate, so I pick it up and I'm shocked by the name popping up,

From: Jick Nonas<3
Hey D, we haven't been in touch recently. I heard ur in town, do u want to meet up with me and my brothers? Let me know how long ur here. x

My mouth hangs wide open. My old best friend, trying to get in touch after he left me when I was struggling the most. After not speaking to me during treatment, he has the AUDACITY to try and be my friend again?
"What on your mind D?" Kelly asks.
"One of my old friends got in touch wanting to meet up," I tell her.
"Who, would I know them?" She questions.
"Yeah, Nick Jonas. He wants me to meet up with him and his brothers,"
"What happened between you guys?" She asks.
"They basically dumped me when I went to rehab, they stopped talking to me. They were my best friends, and when I was struggling the most they left me." I tell her.
"Maybe they want to apologise? You can meet with them tomorrow?" She suggests.
"Kel but I don't want to leave you,"
"If you ask, I'd be fine to come." She tells me.
"Thank you K,"

To: Jick Nonas<3
Hey, I've got tomorrow free then I'm going back to X Factor auditions. If we do something can I take my friend Kelly?

From: Jick Nonas<3
Yeah of course. My moms cooking dinner, do u want to come round about 3? My mom really misses u x

To: Jick Nonas<3
I'll see u then.

"We're going at 3 tomorrow.."

"Dem chill, they won't care what you wear," Kelly tells me.
"Yeah I know, but I haven't seen them in over a year." I tell her.

I put on black skinny jeans, a dark green cami bodysuit and a black leather frayed jacket. I curled me blonde ombré pink hair and did a bronzer makeup look. My look was simple and casual.

I look at myself in the mirror and frown slightly, my waist doesn't go in the way I want it to. The bodysuit is really tight and supposed to show how much you go in at the waist, and it just shows off my fat stomach. Kelly comes up behind me and peaks her head over my shoulder so I can see her in the mirror.
"Dem you look great, stop doubting yourself sweetie." Kelly says lovingly and hugs me from behind.

We make our way to the car and I give the address to the driver. We get there and get out of the car. We slowly walk to the door, Kelly grabs my hand and I reluctantly knock on the door.
"Demi! Sweetie I've missed you!" Denise says excitedly. Denise is their mom, who is like a mom to me as well. I love her to death.
"I've missed you too,"

She greets Kelly and we both go inside. My eyes meet with Nicks and it brings back all the memories of me crying, hoping he'd get in touch and not drop me. He walks towards me,
"Demi! So good to see you," He pulls me into a hug.
"Nick are yo- Oh Demi! We've missed you!" Joe says hugging me. Joe's my ex, but we got over that and we were like siblings, until he stopped talking to me. Like Nick.
"Demi hey!" Kevin pulls me into a hug. I wasn't as close with Kevin as I was with Nick and Joe, but I love him too, he used to be really protective over me, he was like a big brother to me.
"DemDem?" I hear a little voice,
"Frankie!" I say and give him a hug.
"I've missed you," Frankie says melting my heart.
"Demi I haven't seen you in so long, nice to see you again," Kevin Sr said giving me a side hug. Everyone introduced themselves to Kelly, and we go and sit in their living room.

"So, Demi how have you been?" Kevin says breaking the awkward silence.
"I'm fine I guess, better than I was," I say with a small chuckle.
"About that.. How was treatment?" Kevin asks. I desperately want to say 'You'd know if you were actually decent people and didn't ditch me when I went into rehab', but I'd never have the confidence to say that.
"Hard, it was really hard and I didn't have much of a support system. But it was worth it, I'm better and I know who actually cares about me, the people who stuck by me during treatment." I say, subtly shading them. They look slightly guilty.

We all discussed our careers and what we've missed recently while Denise made dinner. We all eat and continue talking about random shit like we used to. It makes me realise just how much I missed my friendship with the family, but especially Nick. I, of course, didn't keep dinner down. I went to the bathroom 20 minutes after eating to not look suspicious. I look at the time and tell Kelly we should leave because we've got such an early flight tomorrow. The boys all say goodbye.
"Promise to keep in touch?" Nick says while hugging me,
"Yup, I've missed this." I tell him. We all say next time we're all in the same time we'll meet up.

Me and Kelly get into the car which was outside waiting for us.
"So Dem it wasn't bad, was it?" Kelly says.
"No, I've missed them. We were all so close on Disney, they're like brothers to me. Thank you so much for coming,"
"Demi I'd do anything for you, no problem." She tells me making me smile.

I pull out my phone and go to Instagram. I post a photo of all of us on the sofa, Me and Nick messing around in the middle, Kevin and Kelly on the floor and Joe sitting on the arm rest. We're all genuinely laughing and having a really good time. I caption it-
@ddlovato - I've missed this💕

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