Demi Lovato, the Disney star who went crazy. She was admitted into rehab at 18 for self harm, and eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. At 19, she's trying to make her way back into the spotlight after rehab, while promoting this 'n...
**Demi's POV** "Dem wake up," Kelly says softly. "Dallas text you the details for today, Max is coming to pick you up in just under 2 hours, and if you want you can stay overnight in Dallas with your family. Me and Paulina are gonna get you ready!" Kelly tells me. "Thank you Kel. When's the X Factor shoot?" I ask her hoping I can get back in time. "Dem, you don't have to come, Simon agrees. But it starts at 4pm. To get to Dallas it takes 3 hours, Max is driving you. You'll be there by 11am and it starts at 11:30." Kelly tells me. "Great! I'll get back for at least a bit of the shoot!" I excitedly say. "Dem, that's not a good idea, the funeral will be emotionally draining. And you should stay for the whole thing." Kelly says wearily. "But I hate missing work, and I want to do it. Everything will be advertised for the show with just the 3 of you without me. I really want to."
Kelly pulls out a plain black skater dress from her closet and tells me to try it on. I get a little awkward, I pull off my shirt and quickly put the dress over my head and pull it down, then take off my sweatpants. Kelly goes behind me and zips it up. "You can have the dress, my stylist gave me it, it was a sample to see what size she should order for me. It's too small for me but it fits you well D.. But it's a size 4.. Your stylist orders size 6s or size 8s." (US size 4, size 8 UK) Kelly says. I feel a sense of pride, I could always be a size 2 though.
"Dem, this jacket would work well." Kelly passes me a grey and black blazer. She also clips a gold pendant necklace around my neck.
Paulina wanted to do my hair, so she takes my blonde straight hair and just runs her hands through it, puffing it up. She gathers my hair for a classy high-ish messy bun with a lot of volume in the front.
Kelly moves onto my makeup. She applies foundation and concealer, then does blush and a bit of highlight. She does a subtle black smokey eye and my waterproof mascara. And for my lips, just a little bit of clear lipgloss.
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"DemDem, Max is here. Please text either of us if your struggling or have any problems. Please stay strong for us babygirl." Kelly engulfs me in a hug and Paulina joins. "Love you guys." I reluctantly leave and get into Max's car.
Me and Max chat about everything I haven't told him from over the last few days, because I haven't seen him in a few days. I get out the car and ask him to pick me up at half 1. I notice it's now 11:45, I'm slightly late but only because at the beginning of the journey it was rush hour traffic.
I walk into the venue, which is just a massive garden with seating, and a speech pedestal. There are tables all around with food and other things on them as well. I see Dallas and run up and hug her. "Stay strong babygirl. I know it's hard, but you're so strong." Dallas whispers in my ear making me hug her closer.
I greeted lots of family members and friends and I see a girl who looks very much like my father. She looks my way and I look down. She walks towards me. She look quite a bit older than me, maybe early 30s? "Oh, the pop star decided to show up." She says snarling at me. "Hi I'm Demi, who are you?" I say nervously. "Of course I know who you are, fucked up disney kid who went to rehab. I'm Amber." She says. "I'm not fucked up," I retaliate. "Little miss perfect? Really? Your fucked in the head. Rehab at 18, seriously? Pathetic. You think you're something you're not, pretty and perfect. Your life isn't so great, is it? All the fame and attention is what you were craving, but it didn't work for you did it?" She replies antagonistically. "Who the fuck are you?" I say angrily. I feel an arm tug on my arm. "Demi, come here." Dallas says and pulls me into the corner. "Seriously? You don't need to cause a scene! You can be so fucking immature Demi! You don't need to be the centre of everything Demi! Back off, that's your half sister!" Dallas raises her voice at me, nearly making me burst into tears. "T-that's not what I was d-doing, she was calling me f-fucked up," I say holding back tears. "Demi save it, after this FUNERAL you can go back to X Factor where everything's about you." She storms off. Half Sister?
I quickly make my way to the bathroom barely holding back tears. I run into a stall and burst out in tears. I reach for my phone and call Kelly, with my knees pulled to my chest hyperventilating.
*On Call* K-"Hey Dem how is-" D-"KelKel I-I c-c-can't d-do th-this." K-"Dems, breathe" she counts with me. K-"Tell me what happened." D-"I-I found out I have a half sister on my dads side, and she kept on calling me fucked up and other things, t-then Dal pulled me aside a-and told me e-everything's always about me, a-and I can't deal with s-something not about me," K-"Dem, please stay strong. You and Dallas need to resolve this, or at least put it to the side. This is about your dad, don't worry you're coming back soon, you've got another hour and that's it, okay?" D-"O-okay," K-"Please stay strong for me babygirl, love you."
She hangs up. I reach into my bag and pull out my razor. I draw it across three times, for daddy. 3 was his number. I clean my wrists up and make my way out of the bathroom.
I meet eyes with a man, who looks to be in his mid 50s. His glare sends shivers down my spine, his eyes shoot daggers. It clicks. His smirk. His eyes. His touch.