Demi Lovato, the Disney star who went crazy. She was admitted into rehab at 18 for self harm, and eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. At 19, she's trying to make her way back into the spotlight after rehab, while promoting this 'n...
**Demi's POV** "Yeah, I'm just about to go to the airport with Kelly to get to the Cali auditions." I say through the phone. "Really? We've got a concert there, we'll be there for like 2 days!" "That's so good! I-" Kelly cuts me off by telling the the drivers here. "Sorry, I've got to go our drivers here," I tell them. "Ok, talk later love you Dem," "Love you Ni,"
I end the call and smile like an idiot. I make my way to the door with my suitcase with Kelly. "What's got you so happy? Who were you on the phone too?" Kelly questions me. "A friend." I reply short. "Nah shit, ohhh. What did Niall say that got you so flustered?" She says chucking. "What? Nothing." I say trying to be convincing.
- After our long plane ride me and Kelly get into the car to take us to the hotel. I look out the window as we stop in front of a holiday house, "Kel this isn't the hotel." I tell her.
We get out the car and Simon comes out and hugs us both. "There weren't any decent hotels near the stadium, so I got a small holiday villa thing rented out instead. It's way more private, and it's got a pool out the back with a great view!" Simon says getting really excited at the pool. "I'll take it you like it then?" I say laughing. He taps my nose and we laugh.
He helps us with our bags and we go into the house and helps us up to our rooms. "This is so nice!" I say. I unpack some of my clothes into the wardrobe and go and see Paulina. I knock on the door and open it. "PauPau I've missed you!" I say hugging her. "Bebé!" She says hugging me closer. "Let's go downstairs, I think everyone in the living room," She says, she takes my hand and we walk down the stairs.
We all talk for a while in the living room. "Oh, the boys are coming round in like half an hour, their hotel is like 20 minutes away." Simon tells us. Kelly looks at me and smirks, "Tell them to bring their swimming shorts, we're planning on going in the pool," Kelly says, my eyes go wide.
Me and the girls go upstairs, "You're welcom Dem," Kelly says laughing. I scrunch my face up. "What?" I say confused. "You get to see Niall practically half naked, anddd he'll see you in a swimsuit," She replies winking, making Paulina laugh. "Kellyyyy. I don't like him." I reply. "Whatever you say Dem, go get changed." She says. I get up and Kelly slaps my ass while I walk through to my room.
I don't want anyone to see me in in a bikini or one piece right now, I put on a plain black swimsuit and look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I have to hold up the swimsuit up it's so big. However it did give me a sense of pride and achievement that I've lost weight, but I haven't lost enough.
I go back into my wardrobe and look at the rest of my clothes, when me and Kelly were at my apartment in LA, I got some of my old clothes from 2008-2010 pre-rehab, because I want to be able to fit back into them. Maybe I can wear an old swimsuit, the material is stretchy so I might fit? I pull out a bikini and one piece, of course choosing the one piece.
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I put it on, and surprisingly it fits. It's a little tight, but since it's a swimsuit you can't tell. I feel a smile creeping onto my face, that drops immediately when I look back in the mirror. I can't keep my eyes off the fat on my thighs, the fat on my stomach, the fat on my arms, the fat under my arm bulging out from the tight swimsuit. I pick up the bikini and think about trying it on. It'll make me sad, but it's an aim to fit into it right? I slip off the one piece and try on the bikini.
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(Sorry, but like how is she so pretty🤩)
I look in the mirror and turn side ways, I graze my hand over my stomach, it shouldn't be this big.
"Dem, you ready?" Kelly says opening my door. "Holy shit Dem, you look hot," She says giggling. "I'm not wearing this, I have to wear a one piece." I say trying to cover up my stomach. "No you don't, you look amazing Demi." She says trying to get me to wear it. I mean, it fits better than the one piece.. I throw a pair of shorts on, a floaty tank top and flip flops and leave the room with Kelly, she's wearing a short dress cover-up thing. We meet Paulina downstairs who is wearing a long floaty dress over her swimwear.
The doorbell goes and Simon goes to let them in. "Kel I think I might go change, I don't want people seeing me in this, I'm too fa-" I stop myself. "Demi, sweetie you're not fat in the slightest. Your so skinny, unhealthily skinny." She says. "Kelly stop lying, everyone will judge me." "Nobody will judge you, and I'm not lying in the slightest. Come on D, have a little self confidence, you look absolutely stunning." She says, I shoot her and uncertain look and give a small fake smile.
"Hey guys," I hear a British accent, it was Harry's. We greet all the boys, Niall hugs me and whispers in my ear, "I've missed you D," He whispers, sending shivers down my spine.
We all head outside and sit on the sun loungers and talk. Liam and Harry strip their tops off and cannonball into the pool. "Niall let's get in mate," Louis says, he takes of his tshirt and jumps in. Niall glances at me out of the corner of his eye and throws of his top and gets in with the rest of the boys. My eyes are glued to his toned stomach, I try to contain the smirk growing on my face. I feel a nudge on my arm, "Like the view Dem?" Kelly says making Paulina laugh and me go bright red. "Do you all want to get in?" Paulina asks us. "Yeah, come on Dem," Kelly says with a grin. "N-no not yet," I say, not wanting to take off my shorts and top.