**Demi's POV**
Paulina takes off her dress, leaving her in a red and blue patterned one piece with the stomach cut out, she looks absolutely amazing.
"Guys come on," She says.Kelly takes off her dress, revealing her stunning toned body in a white and black two piece, her stomach is so flat and toned it's unfair.
"DemDem, please?" Kelly says.I take off my shorts and top and quickly sit back down on the lounge chair, covering my stomach with my arms.
"Oh bebé you look stunning," Paulina says. I shoot her a small reluctant smile.I feel wetness on the sides of my waist and then I can't feel the ground. I feel myself being picked up bridal style, I look to the side and see Niall's face with a massive grin plastered across it.
"Niall put me down!" I squeal.I feel him let go, then I feel the impact of my skin hitting the surface of the water. I raise my head to the surface and take a big breath, I look and see Niall laughing really hard with Kelly, Paulina and Simon behind home laughing. I buried my face in my hands.
"We weren't gonna get you in if I didn't do that," Niall says while laughing.Kelly, Paulina and Niall all slip into the pool and we all talk while the boys mess around.
"Guys look at the sunset," I say. Like Simon said, the we have the best view out here. The pool is lit up from the bottom of it, and with the scenery it looks amazing.
"SIMONNN, CAN YOU TAKE A PHOTO OF USSS?" Kelly shouts into the house.Simon comes out,
"Simon can you grab my phone on the table there, and take a photo of us?" Kelly asks him politely.Me, Kelly and Paulina pose in the water, with the amazing view behind us. We take quite a few photos, then I feel myself being lifted up. The boys all swam over to us to photobomb. Niall swam underneath me and came up, grabbing my legs over his shoulders lifting me out the water.
"Niallll," I moan.We all take a few photos with the boys, and Niall falls backwards intentionally, making me fall with him on his shoulders. He puts his hand out and I take it, while scrambling to get above the water. I jump on his back, scaring him slightly. I grab around his chest and try to pull him back, but he's stronger and he keeps ahold of my legs around his waist, keeping me on his back. We're both pissing ourselves laughing,
"Niall let me gooo," I whine.
"Demiiii," Niall whines, impersonating me.I look over and see Kelly with her phone, taking photos of us. I swim over to her and Niall goes back to the boys.
Kelly teases me and shows me a few photos, we are smiling like idiots, but my stomach looks massive.
"Kel you can't post these," I say, not wanting anyone to comment on my stomach.
"Why? This is adorable!" She gushes.
"My stomach," I say quietly looking down.
"Dem, you really need a confidence boost! I would die to look like you, and so would nearly everyone!" She tells me.
"You so skinny Dem, you look so good in these, and look how much fun you're having." Paulina says, zooming in on my face making me chuckle.
"Sooo, do you admit you have a crush on Niall?" Kelly says wiggling her eyebrows.
"No I don't, where's grandpa, let's get him in!" I reply trying to change the subject.
I swim over to Niall and the boys,
"Guys let's get Simon in! He's already wearing swimming shorts, he just has that fucking white tshirt on as well." I say. They agree with me and we try to come up with an idea.I try to get out the pool and I hear a laugh behind me.
"Need some help there?" Niall says laughing.
"No, I can do it," I say. I feel his hands on my ass giving me a boost out of the pool. I mumble a thank you making him laugh. I don't look at him because my face is bright red from him touching my ass. I'm blushing so hard. I cover my stomach with my arms until I get to my towel and cover my stomach with it instead.I go inside to find Simon.
"Si, we want you to come in too," I say nicely.
"I hate pools. And what am I gonna do, sit and watch the boys wrestle, Kelly and Paulina gossip and you staring at Niall's abs?" He says with a smirk.
"Grandpa stoppp," I whine, covering my bright red face.
"Come in with us," I grab his hand and lead him outside.
"Demi, I'm not getting in." He tells me. I keep a hold of his hand, pulling him closer to the pool. He stops walking, and Harry comes up behind him and pushes him in. I high five Harry and drop my towel and jump in.When I jump in my bikini top falls down a bit while in under water, I quickly pull it back up while underwater and come to the surface hoping nobody noticed. I open my eyes and see Liam and Louis off with Simon in the pool, trying to keep him in, but everyone else is staring at me. Kelly starts laughing and I go over to her and hide my bright red face from embarrassment in the crook of her neck. Paulina rubs my back chuckling,
"Nice tits Lovato," Harry jokingly says pissing himself laughing with Niall."Ha ha. Very funny Harry." I say sarcastically avoiding eye contact. I look over and see Louis with his phone out.
"Wait Louis are you fucking recording?!" I shout, I start swimming towards him while everyone's laughing. I try to grab his phone, but he just holds it high up, and I'm short. I feel something underneath me again, it was Niall swimming underneath me, and swimming through my legs and coming up to the surface, leaving me on his shoulders. I get the phone and high five Niall. I turn the phone to face me, and realise it turned off.
"Ni, do you know his password?" I ask him.
"No, sorry." He replies. I hear Louis laughing.
"Shitt now you've got a video of me flashing everyone," I say, I hear Harry say something,
"And me sarcastically saying nice tits Lovato!" Harry says making everyone laugh.
"You can take her off your shoulders now.." Simon says.We all get out the pool and wrap ourselves in towels.
I'm so sorry guys, I haven't updated in like a week. Schools started up and I have so much fucking homework, I'll try to update more frequently :)

Just By Putting On a Smile
FanfictionDemi Lovato, the Disney star who went crazy. She was admitted into rehab at 18 for self harm, and eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. At 19, she's trying to make her way back into the spotlight after rehab, while promoting this 'n...