**Demi's POV**
During our lunch break, everyone's asking me why I was acting off during that audition, I just tried to convince them nothing was up. Me and Kelly make our way to my dressing room for the last 10 minutes of our break, Paulina wasn't with us because she was FaceTiming her boyfriend.
"Dem, you're still coming to the concert with me, right?" Kelly asks.
"I mean if you want me to," I say.
"Dem, of course I want you there. We're gonna have to go straight from here, I've looked out an outfit that's, uhh, more toned down than this," she says laughing pointing at her outfit.She drags me by the hand over to my wardrobe with a bunch of clothing from my stylist. She automatically goes to a pair of black leather pants that go in a lot at the waist, well are supposed to, my waist is too fat. She pulls out a cropped grey AC/DC tshirt, and a black cropped distressed denim jacket and just black Doc Martens.
"You can change into this after the show, let's get back to the panel,"We finish up the day and me and Kelly get changed into the more casual clothing she picked out. We get in the car and start to make our way to the concert.
"D, calm down," Kelly says putting her hand on my knee.
"Sorry," I say.
"Dem don't worry they'll love you." She reassures me.She takes my hand as we get out the car and we make our way through the crowd and backstage, we start walking towards the dressing room we're meeting everyone in. I try and fight back the panic arising in me.
"Dem, breath, Dem?" Kelly says, getting slightly worried.She's been around during many of my panic attacks, so she's starting seeing the signs before they happen. She pulls me to the side for a minute and soothes me, taking my hand and putting it to her heart, trying to match out breaths.
"T-thank you Kel," I say.
"No problem Dem, can I just ask, why are you so nervous?" Kelly asks.
"I just feel I'm gonna screw everything up," I say.Kelly gives me a quick pep talk then we make our way over to the dressing room. Kelly squeezes my hand slightly and opens the door, revealing Jay Z, Beyoncé, Oprah who's here because she's Beyoncé's friend, and Beyoncé's sister Solange. All of them are fucking icons! I get a little nervous.
Beyoncé gets up and runs over to Kelly and hugs her.
"Kelly, I've missed you!" She let's go and look and me and smiles, "So this is Demi," she pulls me into a hug, and I internally fangirl.Everyone introduces themselves and we all end up sitting on the sofas, while everyone catches up. I stay kinda quiet. Kelly squeezes my hand and gives me a questioning look. While everyone talking, Kelly turns to me,
"You okay?" She asks me.
"You're best friends are all legends, this whole room is intimidating." I whisper making Kelly laugh. I hear a voice from behind me making me jump.
"Tell me about it, my sisters friends with like Michelle Obama and shit it's really intimidating," Solange says chuckling.We talk for a while, she's only 24 so we are closer in age.
"So Demi, do you have any new music coming out?" Beyoncé asks,
"Y-yeah, I just released my single-" Beyoncé cuts me off,
"Oh yeah, Skyscraper. I love that song," Beyoncé says. My eyes widen and I nearly let out a squeal, but I hold it back. Kelly nudges me.
"My album Unbroken will be coming out soon." I tell her.We all chat for longer while Jay Z preforms.
"Hey, Demi Kelly do y'all want to come to the side stage with me, I'm about to go on to preform me and his song 'Drunk In Love' then 'Irreplaceable'." Beyoncé says.We watch her grin on stage and I turn to Kelly,
"How is she so talented?" I ask her, Kelly laughs.
"I know, you were fangirling HARD back there," she laughs.
"What am I supposed to do? Fucking Beyoncé just told be she likes my music!" Kelly just laughs.Beyoncé finishes the first song 'Drunk In Love' and Jay Z goes off stage so she can preform 'Irreplaceable', before she does she speaks.
"I'd like to invite a friend to the stage, please welcome Kelly Rowland!" Beyoncé says. Kelly looks at me shocked and makes her way into stage. Everyone cheers for her,
"I'd also like to invite Demi Lovato to the stage!" Beyoncé shouts into her microphone.I reluctantly make my way into stage and the audience goes mad. Beyoncé pulls both of us into a side hug and I hear her say something in my ear,
"Do you know the words to 'Irreplaceable'?" Beyoncé whispers.
"Yeah I do," I say a little embarrassed making her laugh. A microphone is brought out to me and Kelly.We all sing and actually have fun, we're all dancing and being silly. Towards the end there is a really high vocal run that I used to sit at home and practice all the time trying to sing as well as Beyoncé, who knew I'd be standing on stage with her a few years later.
I get ready to listen to Beyoncé hit the high note and run but she turns and points at me, wanting me to do it. I get slightly nervous but push it back, this is an opportunity to show someone I look up to my vocal abilities. I hit the note and run, adding my own flavour to it.
Beyoncé loudly exhales in a funny way into the microphone making everyone laugh. We keep on going until the end of the song. We come off stage and Jay Z makes his way back on.
"Jesus, you really have some pipes!" Beyoncé laughs.I smile wide when she tells me that. Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera are my main idols, but Beyoncé isn't far behind them.
By the end of the night, I looked up a bit and actually had a good time, for once.
A/N - I heard Kelly and Demi talking about when Kelly took her to a Jay Z concert and Beyoncé was there, so I wanted to add that in.. If I'm being completely honest with y'all, writing this chapter is how I found out I know NOTHING about Beyoncé😭😂. It's all good, google helped.

Just By Putting On a Smile
Fiksi PenggemarDemi Lovato, the Disney star who went crazy. She was admitted into rehab at 18 for self harm, and eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. At 19, she's trying to make her way back into the spotlight after rehab, while promoting this 'n...