Ch. 8

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Phoenix's pov

"Ok the studio is filled with fans outside the building. I need Phoenix to get between you and Nick, Demi. Nick will be in the front. We're going to try to get in through the back but I'm sure if one fan sports you, they'll all rush towards that door. So let's be quick." Max says.

How do they all know where Demi will be though? How do they know the exact radio station she'll be at or any of that? It's kinda creepy they know so much if you ask me.

We get to a large brick building and Nick leads the way out of the car along with max and Demi. I just follow their leads and get out of the car next. As I overheard, I get between Demi and Nick and walk quickly into the radio station.

A small welcome and greeting is done and I stay silent not really sure what to do. It's not my interview so it's probably best to stay silent right?

We're lead to a small room with a lot of microphones and laptops and I just sit between Demi and Nick. The single radio host sits across the table and I guess were just jumping right into this interview.

"I'm joined in studio with Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas among with their opening artist Phoenix." The radio host says.

"Hi." Demi greets warmly.

"Hello." Nick says.

I stay silent because it's not my interview. I'm kinda like the feature in a song. I'm there, but it's not my song.

"Tour starts Sunday correct?" He asks.

"Yes, it starts Sunday and we're pretty excited." Nick says.

"And Phoenix you will be opening the whole tour correct?" The radio host asks.

"I am." I say.

After that is when he pushes Nick and Demi for answers and tea. I just sit silently and let them answer their questions. I guess after a while he realizes he's asked me a single question because out of the middle of no where, he comes back to me.

"Phoenix you have a YouTube channel correct?" He asks.

"I do." I say.

"Is there anyone who inspired you to create your YouTube channel or did you decide to just start one?" He asks.

Ah yes, the question I've already rehearsed.

"Definitely Christina Grimmie. I watched her videos for a long time and she is definitely the reason I started my channel. She inspired me and I thought if she could do it maybe I could. So I created my channel." I say.

"Is there any YouTube singers you'd like to collaborate with?" He asks.

"I actually collaborated with Christina Grimmie last year which was a dream come true. She's so down to earth and the person you see on camera is the same person behind it. I'd love to do another video with her, but I'd also really like to work with Madilyn Bailey or Dodie. Although doing a collaboration with Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui, or Mike Thompson would be a cool collaboration. There's so many people I'd love to work with really. There's so much talent in YouTube music channels." I say.

"And Christina Grimmie is on tour right now too which is pretty cool." He says.

I give a small nod, "With Before You Exit. But this isn't her first tour. I know she's toured with Tori Kelly and Selena Gomez. She's amazing, I'm happy for her. She deserves all the opportunities she's had." I say.

"She did the voice a couple years ago, is that something your be interested in doing later?" He asks.

"I don't think so. I don't plan to right now but maybe in a few years I might. I kinda just try to focus on now rather than think ahead." I say.

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