Ch. 36

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Demi's pov

It was 7 days Phoenix was in pain before her period finally went away. Now that it's gone, she's bounced back to normal to her giggly and more energetic self.

"Demiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." She whines beside me.

"Phoenixxxxxxx." I mimic.

She rests her head on my arm as I look at the laptop in my lap, "Attentionnnnnnnnnn." She whines.

It might sound pathetic that she wants so much attention, but I knew what I was getting into when I adopted her. Any child who's had a past as bad as hers, than is given a lot of what they've craved and wanted for so long, is going to continuously want that thing. For Phoenix, it's attention and love.

I look down at my arm and look into her blue eyes. She stares at me with a look of sadness and I put my laptop on the coffee table resulting in her moving into my lap.

I kiss her cheek and wrap my arms around her as she places her head in my chest, "I know I've been busy, I'm sorry Nix. But thank you for being patient and letting me work. I appreciate it." I say.

"You're welcome." She says.

"Are you hungry right now or do you want to wait another hour to eat lunch? You need to eat lunch." I say.

"Another hour. Attention."

"Alright, we can wait an hour. What will you want for lunch?" I ask.

"Can I have a sandwich?" She asks.

"Of course you can have a sandwich." I say.

Her hands reach for my necklace and she examines it close, "Do you like wearing jewelry?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "Too girly."

I had a feeling Phoenix wasn't much of the type of girl who'd want to wear make up or dresses. The dress she wore on tour seemed to make her uncomfortable. She didn't seem too happy in make up either, but I was aware from the start that was being used to hide injuries. It wasn't much of a personal choice.

"Your hairs getting super long. I swear it's grown a whole foot already." I say.

"Yeah, it's pretty long Huh?" She asks.

"It's very beautiful. But when do you think you'll want to cut it?" I ask.

She looks up at me and tilts her head, "I don't know. Why?"

"It's just getting super long." I say.

It's nearly at her hips which is crazy. Just before we started tour it was a lot shorter than that. As in much shorter.

"Yeah, I know. It's hard to brush now. My arms get tired."

"Well, if you want, maybe we can go next week to get it trimmed?" I ask.

"Ok." She says.

Well that was easier to convince her to do than I thought it'd be. I didn't think she's been willing to actually trim her hair.

"Are you gonna cut yours?" She asks.

"No, mine doesn't need to be cut yet. But once it gets a bit longer, I will." I say.


I just hold her in my lap and make small talk with her for an hour. After that I then make her a sandwich and eat lunch with her. With lunch then done, Phoenix runs to the couch.

"Can we watch a movie now?" She asks.

"Of course we can, what movie do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Anything." She says.

What I've learned about Phoenix so far is that anything crime related, she loves. As long as it's not realistic that is. But shows like NCIS and so on, she loves. If it weren't for her past, I'm sure she'd like dateline and forensic files. But maybe she'll get there with time and I'll have a mini me. If not, that's ok too. It's not the end of the world.

I sit beside her and she rests her head on my shoulder as I pick up the tv remote before going to the channel guide.

"Hmm, ncis New Orleans is on." I say.

"That." She says pointing to the tv.

I put it on the channel and watch tv with Phoenix. There's not much talk made, just focus on the show. It's not until NCIS is over when Phoenix looks to me, "Will you still sleep with me tonight?" She asks.

"Mhm, are you ready to go to your room?" I ask.


I check the time on my phone to see it's already 7 pm and I get up from the couch. She leads the way to her bedroom and I get in bed beside her. I tuck her in and make sure she's all comfortable before I lay down beside her.

"What do you have to do tomorrow?" She asks.

"Nothing tomorrow, but soon I'll have to start going to the studio." I say.

"You're making an album?" She asks.

"Mhm, you'll be the first person to get to hear it all. So I'm going to need your opinions and honesty." I say.

"You already started?" She asks.

"Not yet, I'll be starting soon. I wanted to get a few songs written before I started." I say.

I'd really like Phoenix to be able to record some of her own songs. The final songs she had on her setlist were to good to not have a studio version of. Even if she never releases them, I do want her to have them for herself at least. Right now, I'm not sure a career is where I want for her. I want to try and keep her out of the spotlight as much as I possibly can. I have seen how much it can effect her and I just want what's best for her. But hate, criticism, and a career isn't.

If in a couple of years, I see that she's ready, then of course I'll support whatever she wants. But I think the last thing on her mind is a career. I think the only thing her minds on is me and attention and love. Something that's totally ok with me.

"It's going to be really good." She says.

"I hope so, you'll have to help me make sure it is good." I say.


Right now I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. Life's calm right now and I've got a daughter. Things will be calm until album release and I know it's going to be hard on Phoenix even though she'll be about 15 or 16. I just have to make decisions based on how she's doing. Nothing's more important to me than she is. I'd give up my career if it meant I'm doing what's best for her and it keeps her happy. Everything I do now isn't about me. I've got to think about her too.

I feel her head on my chest and I wrap an arm around her as I look down at her to see she's asleep. I give a small smile at the sight. I love her to death and I am so content with where my life is right now. This isn't how I thought things would turn out, but I couldn't be happier. The future is looking a lot brighter and better than it did before this tour. Life changes quickly, but this is the best change I could've ever had happen. I'm beyond lucky to have been given the opportunity to be her mom. I'm grateful for it.

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