Ch. 31

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Phoenix's pov

Thankfully, it wasn't long we were at Demi's parents house. By 4 pm we were back home and away from her parents.

"You seem a bit upset." She says.

I shake my head lying to her. I don't really think it's appropriate to tell her what's bothering me when it has to do with her family.

"Nix, I know you're lying to me." She says.

I bite the inside of my lip growing uncomfortable. I don't want to get in trouble.

"You don't have to be scared to tell me about something that's bothering you about my family. If something's bothering you, I want to know so I can talk to them about it and prevent them from continuing to do that." She says.

I stare down at the blanket on top of me keeping silent.

"Nix, I promise you won't upset me. You can tell me anything, I promise sweetheart." She says softly.

"Why don't they like me? Why does everyone hate me? What am I doing that makes everyone hate me? I know why my dad did, he at least had a reason. But no one else does and yet they do."

"He had no reason to hate you Phoenix and a lot of people are just upset that you got to do what you did with me. Jealousy is an evil disease and people who are jealous will always hurt the person they are jealous of. My fans are jealous but you can't let them hurt you hun. They aren't even worth it. As for my parents, it wasn't the reaction I was hoping for, but they don't hate you. I think it was a bit of a shock and they were trying to process what I was saying. But they don't hate you Phoenix." She says.

"Yes he did, he loved my mom, I killed my mom. He didn't want me, he wanted my mom. It's my fault she's not here. He had every right to hate me."

She shakes her head before pulling me closer to her, "He did not have a right to do anything he did to you Phoenix. Abuse is never ok. You didn't kill your mom, that's the story he told you. You don't know what happened. She could've been sick before she had you and passes after she had you because of complications from that. You don't know." She says.

I do know, he wouldn't lie about that. It's the same story every time. He lies about a lot when he's drunk and never can keep a consistent story. But this is one he has kept consistent. I did kill her. I know it's possible to die from pregnancy, my mom did because of me.

I feel her wipe my tears, "My parents need time to process things and I know that by the next time they see you, they'll be excited to see you. They do love you Nix, I wouldn't lie to you about that."

"And if they don't?" I ask.

"Well, it's not going to effect my decision. I'm not going to just give you away. It'll be their loss if they don't like you and if that is the case, I'd be so angry I wouldn't even want anything to do with my parents. But Nix, they just need a bit of time sweetheart." She says.

"No they won't, everyone hates me."

It's not jealousy, I know it's not. This many people can't be jealous of me. They just hate me. What is it about me that so many people hate? Why won't anyone tell me?

"Not everyone, I don't."

"You're one person out of the entire world."

"I'm still enough to prove the statement wrong. And I love you with my entire heart and care about you more than you'll ever know. You're my world now and I'm not going to hurt you and I'll do everything I can to make sure no one else hurts you." She says.

My vision is blurred by my watery eyes and I feel the tears running down my cheeks, "I love you too."

Why she even cares about me, I don't know. Why does she? Why does she care about me when the entire world doesn't? I don't get it. Am I being used as a piece in something? Maybe like a publicity stunt?

Oh my god, what if she's using me as a publicity stunt?! That's it! That's why she cares! She knows I'll make her look good when she announces she adopted me! She's done a lot of bad things in the past and this is just something to say 'hey look I'm a good person, look at what I did' and use me! I'm being used! She doesn't care, she's using me!

I'm such a fucking idiot! How did I not notice this?! Of course she doesn't like me! Why would she?! No one does!

I've got to get out of here. I can't be used. I won't let her have this. I'm not going to be a publicity stunt. I refuse to be.

When something's too good to be true, it is. This is far to good to be true. I should've known better than to actually trust her. Everyone hates me. There's a consequence to everything, I know that. I should've known there'd be one to this. I will just be used as a publicity stunt. That's the catch.

"It's getting pretty late, do you want me to stay with you tonight or do you want to sleep alone tonight?" She asks.

She combs her fingers through my hair and for the first time, it makes me very uncomfortable and it's an unwanted action she's doing.

"I want to sleep alone."

"Alright, if you change your mind, you can always come to my room. You know that?" She asks.

I give a nod and she wipes my tears before kissing my forehead, both of which make me uncomfortable. But I say nothing.

She gets out of my bed and turns my lamp off before leaving my bedroom and I sit up the second my door closes.

"We have to go Harley. We have to get out of here." I whisper.

Her head lifts up from the bed to look at me, "We have to." I whisper.

Not knowing what I'm saying, but curious, she continues to look at me. I get out of my bed and walk to my closet and quietly get a backpack.

I pack as much as I can into it which is just a few outfits, a blanket, a few snacks, and that's literally it. I look at the alarm clock and see it's only 8 pm and I know I've got to wait. I can't go now or she'll catch me.

I hide the backpack in the closet and get into the bed with Harley, "I'm sorry to do this to you again, but we can't stay here." I whisper.

She licks my hand and I scratch the top of her head as I think. I think 1 am would be a good time to leave. She's usually dead asleep by that point. That'll be my time to go.

I've got to leave, I won't be used. She doesn't care about me, she's pretending to be. She's an actor anyway, she's just acting. That's all she's doing. Not genuinely caring. That's what today was just anyway, just showing me off. Just saying 'look I adopted a kid, I did a good thing right' and her parents didn't even buy it.

I'll endure the consequences if the rest of the world sees through it too. Because then she's have adopted me for no reason and I'd have been a waste of time for her too.

It's time to leave before I get too involved in her plot. It took me too long to see the truth to begin with, but now that I've seen it, it's time to act on it.

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