Ch. 33

356 9 1

Demi's pov

Phoenix stirring beside is what causes me to wake up the next morning. She doesn't seem to be really waking up, but she's definitely not sleeping peacefully. I gently comb my fingers through her hair and her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning angel." I say.

She looks at me tiredly before rubbing her eyes, "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter." She says quietly.

"Are you burnt out on pancakes yet?" I ask.

She shakes her head before hiding her face in my chest, "Whats wrong Nix?"

"My stomach hurts."

"What does it feel like?" I ask.

"I don't know, it just really hurts." She whispers.

"Does it feel like you're going to throw up?" I ask.

"No." She says.

"Does it feel like cramps?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Do you think maybe it's that time of month?" I ask.

She looks up at me beyond puzzled, "What is that time of month?"

"Your period."

She looks at me even more confused, "What's a period?"

"Menstrual cycle." I say.

Not even that word rings a bell for her. She just looks at me beyond confused. I can't say I'm surprised to know she doesn't know what either of the above are. I highly doubt her father ever gave her that conversation.

"Oh Phoenix." I sigh.

I hate to have to tell her this. I know it's not going to be information to take in easily or something she'll want to hear.

"When you get older, your body changes. You know that part right?" I ask.

"I think so."

"Your body might become a different shape and obviously your chest has some changes too. That's because your body is essentially just getting ready to be able to carry and have a baby. Do you know how a baby sorta happens?" I ask.

I can tell that the last question is a scary one for her so I quickly move on, "The female body makes eggs which can be fertilized when a guy releases inside. But when the eggs don't fertilize, your body gets rid of them and you have what's called a period. So it's just blood and it seems a bit scary at first, but it's normal. Sometimes with this your stomach will hurt or you'll feel hot. It usually lasts 5 to 7 days." I say.

"I don't have that." She says.

"You will at some point hun, it's not fun, but it happens." I say.

She opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it and stares at me as she processes what I've said, "It's ok to ask questions." I say.

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to know this one."

"Ask Nix."

"How old where you when you started?"

"Whew." I say as I try and think, "I can't remember how hold I exactly was. But it was younger than 14." I say.

"Is that when it's supposed to happen?" She asks.

"Everyone body is different. So some people start early, some start later. It's just whenever your body decides to." I say.

"How many times does it happen?"

"Every month."

Her eyes widen, "I know, it kinda sucks." I frown.

None of us asked for it or wanted it, but it happens. Considering she's 14, I have a feeling this is why her stomachs hurting. I wouldn't doubt if in a couple days she starts.

"I don't like that." She says.

"I know kiddo, I don't either. It's not very fun. But you have to have it to have kids." I say.

"But I don't." She says.

"That's ok too, but your body doesn't know that." I say.

"Do you want kids?" She asks.

"Well, I've got you don't I?" I ask.

"That's different."

"How so?" I ask.

"I'm not actually yours."

"You are actually mine. That's what adoption is, I'm not signing up for a few years then not talking to you. Even when you move out and maybe get a boyfriend, or girlfriend- I'm not here to assume, I'm going to be involved still. That's what I signed up for, not just a few years of babysitting and to never speak to you again. You are mine." I say.

She gives me a small smile and I put her hair behind her ear, "I don't really know what'll happen in the future. Right now I'm pretty happy with where my life is with you." I say.

"So it's not a no." She says.

I look at her to see her eyes on me and starting at me with curiosity, "Its not a no." I admit.

I try to read her emotions with the sentence, but Phoenix makes that impossible to do. She's good at hiding her emotions, that's for sure.

"You think Harley is hungry?" I ask switching topics.

"No, she's just sleepy."

"Well, at least one of you need breakfast. I'm gonna make you some waffles. I want you to stay in bed. You did enough walking last night. I don't want you to hurt." I say.


I get out of her bed and get Harley a cup and a half of dog food before putting some frozen waffles into the toaster. I have to imagine pancakes are getting a bit unwanted with how many times I give to her.

As they cook I get he a glass of water and once they pop up, I grab them and put them on the plate with some syrup. I then walk back to her room and pass the plate to her and set the water on her nightstand.

At the sent of waffles Harley bounces up and walks to Phoenix, "I'm sorry Harley, but you can only eat doggy food now. It's gonna make you healthy. People food won't." Phoenix frowns.

I grab Harley and put her in my lap and give her some pets as Phoenix eats her waffles, "How are they?" I ask.

"They aren't cold, kinda soggy. But it's ok. It's still better than eating a lot of what I used to have to eat."

"Man how do I keep messing up waffles?" I ask.

"I don't know, but it's kinda funny." She giggles.

"I'll have to work on that. I can't believe I seriously can't cook waffles."

"It's ok, you can sing and act. I don't think you really need to know how to make waffles."

"Well I do for you." I say.

"I'm ok with pancakes ya know?"

"You need variety." I say.

She shrugs as she eats her waffles. How she finishes them, I don't know. I sure couldn't eat soggy waffles.

She sets the plate on the nightstand before grabbing her water and talking a few sips before putting it on her nightstand.

"What are we going to do today?" She asks.

"You're gonna rest today. But we can have a movie day. I don't have anything to do today." I say.

"Ok." She smiles.

"Let me go put your plate in the dishwasher." I say.

I get her plate and walk back to the kitchen and rinse it off before putting it into the dishwasher. I dry my hands off before walking back to her bed where she's cuddled with Harley.

I smile at the cute sight. This is what I like to see. Phoenix happy. Yesterday was rough, but hopefully from this point she'll just talk to me over run away. But she's happy right now and that's all I really care about.

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