Ch. 19

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Demi's pov

It's not until 1 in the morning when I make it on the bus with Phoenix and of course Harley. With a show in Portland, it's definitely put us behind schedule in terms of travel. But I don't regret taking the time I did with her. She opened up more than she ever has. She's still hiding a lot, but it's something in terms of talking and trust. It's more than she's had with me before this point.

I close the bus door behind us and Phoenix walks tiredly to her own bed. I follow behind her and watch her get in her bed with Harley, "Are you ok for tonight?" I ask.

She gives a small nod, "Ok well, if you need anything you can always come talk to me." I say.

"Ok." She says.

I watch her eyes close before I get up and go to my room. Much to my own shock, nicks standing in it, "What are you doing in my-"

"I heard you and Phoenix get in the bus and knew this is where you'd be and considering it's 1 am and you're just back, clearly something happened. So now I'm concerned and want to know what happened." He says.

I roll my eyes, "Now you want to know?" I ask.

He sure didn't seem to care the moment she ran away.

"Yes." He says.

"Just leave her alone and let her sleep. A lot happened and I'm not going to talk about it because it's not for you to know. She wouldn't want you to know, it took a lot for me to get it out of her. I'm not breaking that trust just to fill you in on what happened." I say.

"Come on Demi." He sighs.

I climb into my bed and plug my phone in, "No."

"How am I supposed to help if I don't know what's going on?" He asks.

"Don't, she doesn't want you to help her."

He told his head, "I need at least a little details."

"You don't need to know anything nor are you owed any information. She trusted me to talk to and I'm not ruining that Nick. She got upset that's all you need to know. Just leave her alone and let her be. She's ok now, focus on that." I say.

"Was she at the park?"

"Yes." I say.

"And she promised not to run away again?" He asks.

"No, but I'll talk to her in the morning. We talked about more important things tonight. I'll make sure she knows running away won't solve her problems and make sure she understands she can't do that again. But she's sleeping and things are fine for at least tonight." I say.

I'm hoping I built trust with her and this isn't just a one night thing. But I'm aware that's a possibility. I'll still talk to her in the morning though. I do need to make sure she won't have intentions to run away again through.

"Wait she's really sleeping? I thought you said she doesn't sleep." He says.

I shrug, "She's tired. I don't know if it's a one night thing or not. All I know is she's genuinely tired. She might've just given up tonight. I just need her to sleep with the day we have ahead tomorrow. She won't get much, but hopefully she'll get more than she's been getting."

He stares at me as if he's attempting to study me. I raise an eyebrow at him, "Do you need something?" I ask.

"You have plans with her don't you?" He asks.


"And she knows them doesn't she?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Not even a guess. Nor does she know I have plans." I say.

"Phil?" He asks.


"So what's the plans?" He asks.

"That's not something I can tell you." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because it involves something Phoenix isn't aware I know about her." I say.

"As in know for a fact or assume?" He asks.

"I know for a fact."

"With how much you care about her I can't help but feel you have plans to somehow get her to live with you." He says.

"It's too late to even talk about this." I roll my eyes.

He smirks, "I know I'm not wrong."

He walks out of my room and I walk out of my room to see him go into his room. I then quietly walk to phoenix's bed. Harley is between her and the back wall the beds on. Phoenix is really sleeping and I give a weak smile at that.

I notice the blankets no longer covering her up due to how much she's moved around, so I go ahead and cover her back up.

Her eyes open and I frown seeing that I've woken her up, "I'm sorry Phoenix, I was just trying to fix the blankets on you." I say.

"It's ok." She says quietly.

Her hairs covering her face and I gently move it out of her face. To my surprise, she doesn't flinch as I do so.

"Tomorrow we've got a pretty jam packed day, but after tomorrow we have two days off. Maybe we can get Harley to the vet and make sure she's all ok and do something fun in the hotel? I think the only thing we have to do is a radio interview on one day." I say.

"What will they do to her? I don't want them to take her away." She says.

"No, no, no, they won't take her away. They'll just do some xrays to make sure she doesn't have any broken bones or injuries. Then give her some shots she may need. But they won't take her away. We just need to get her some shots so she'll be healthy." I say.


"Alright, I'll let you get some sleep, I just wanted to check on you one last time." I say.

She nods hiding her face in Harley and when I see her body relax, I know she's fallen back asleep. So I go back to my room. I close my door and get back into my bed once again.

I check my phone to see texts I'll read in the morning, but I set an alarm and leave my phone alone after that.

It's fine to get some sleep. It'll be a full day ahead tomorrow and I need the sleep for it.

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