Are You Calling ME Dumb?

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Dinner was fun, and sexy, as usual. The beer tasty. We are going to head north again tomorrow morning, this time to use the RV we have been dragging around.

After dinner, walking home, Morgan touched my arm in a way that meant 'Hold up, slow down.'.

I did so, and when the other three were down the sidewalk, Morgan said in a voice only I could hear, "Angel asked a favor. She would like permission for you to touch Vera intimately. Just hands, she said and underlined it about twelve times. She is unhappy that Vera is not completely happy with her, as a lover, and she thinks that if we allow you to touch Vera during sex that it will offset that."

I was now on high alert. "You have got to be kidding me. Angel asked that?"

"She did." Morgan said. "Jessica and I talked about it, and... Well... It is up to you. Angel is your girlfriend, and she is unhappy because her girlfriend is unhappy. Well. No. She is not completely happy."

"Does she want Vera to be able to touch me in this way?" I asked

"We did not go into details on a catalog of sex acts." Morgan said. "It is a logical extension of the request, however."

We walked by a bench, and I sat down on it and held my head in my hands because all of the sudden, my brain is about to explode. I felt tears welling up out of nowhere.

Morgan knelt in front of me, concern all over her face, and she wove her hands between my wrists and held my face. "Adrian? What is wrong?"

"I can't do it." I said, finally.

"I said it is your choice. This is your choice. I will support you in that." Morgan said.

Jessica suddenly appeared, her face next to Morgan's, the same concern there.

"What is wrong, my love?" She asked.

"I know this will sound stupid, since Angel and I, and you and Angel... but I am YOUR love. Not theirs. Not Vera's because..." I said. All I could think of.

Understanding appeared on Jessica's face. "I see."

Morgan agreed. "Me too. Jessica and I were not happy with this ask. We did not know what to do. Angel is our family, and she is unhappy. Vera is our friend, and she is unhappy. We do not want to share you. We want you to be with us."

I wiped away one of the stupid tears. "Yeah. That is it exactly. I do not want Angel to be unhappy, and I do not want Vera to think I am rejecting her when that is offered to her. I can't make a choice here that does not leave someone hurt! I hate that!"

"No. Morgan and I should have said 'no'." Jessica said. "It is not fair to put this on you. I thought maybe you would like it. Hell: I did not like it just because of the gender imbalance thing. I did not think about it this way. I should have."

"Well, that's just it. Vera is my ex, but worse, she has grown up so much since then. If she had been, back then, who she is today? I would still be with her. I would not have you. She is turning into an outstanding person, all the way. I see the core of what she'll be like when she is older, and I love that. But I ... I am at that place where I can't just touch her in some intimate way, and that's the line. No."

I rolled my shoulders back and got myself under complete control. "No." I repeated. "I will tell Angel 'no', and I will tell her why, and now I will tell you two why. Because you need to know. We are four people, this is our marriage. You three put Angel on my list. Fine. When you put Vera on my list, then we'll talk. When you two are ready for the idea of things like Vera, as a mother to our children, and Vera perhaps even being pregnant by me, then we'll talk. That will never happen, of course, but I cannot be part-way in. All in, or nothing, and this is not blackmail of you to say 'OK, Fine, Have sex with Vera' either. It's not. I am not ready for that idea right now. I like us. I like the way we are. I want our marriage to be like it is. For now. OK?"

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