Promise to Feed Me

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Victoria set herself up in the 'command center'. I am going to call it that instead of 'War Room'. She has phones on chargers, and a laptop that the Crew configured to be as secure as a laptop can be.

Anne arrived in the evening, and Denise and Anne set up a Crew area for coordinating Crew actions. I brought in printers for each area, and we built lists and shared maps and had meetings.

Nakoma and I made food and brought it up to the people.

Denise said of the hamburger in her hand, which she had just taken a large bite out of: "Oh. Excellent. I want to have your child." Suddenly, that is not funny anymore. Victoria shot her a very dirty look. Denise apologized. "Oh. Sorry. Too soon. Poor taste these days."

Nakoma, who was up on a food delivery run at the time, told Denise "You could do a lot worse than my dad, Denise but it would be hard to do better." Seemingly to chill it out. I had to wonder if this is her Astral side, making a late appearance, or a daughter defending her dad and his friend.

"You know what. Nakoma? You have that right. I take back my take back. I still want to have your baby, Adrian. Especially if you feed me like this during my pregnancy. I love your cooking." Denise looked at Victoria, daring her to say anything.

Out of Victoria's sight, she held up three fingers. Three babies.

Denise looked back at me. "Promise to feed me." She said.

"Of course." I told her. That had two levels too. Denise is aware of the bonding. She wants to be fed more than food.

Virginia decided to ignore the entire thing. So we still have THAT secret. That Denise knew all this time and I am on the hook for hers, Annes, and Carol's promised children, which Denise is claiming ALL of.

Technically, I could call foul on that. I could say that I promised her only one. I am not going to. Three with Denise sounds like a century of fun. No point in pretending otherwise. No one in-family is fighting her on it either. In a way, I think they are glad it is one woman instead of three, and further that it is Denise rather than Anne and Carol. That may be my own preference speaking there.

There was a NorthAm Council con-call with Jessica to discuss both Ninovan and our discoveries, and how it might be possible to let any Vampire woman become cross-fertile with a human, Astral, Siren, or of course, Male Vampire. As expected, the two Council members in relationships with humans are very interested in this. Becky, a preacher / minister type in Colorado, is married to Jon, a State Senator. Jon is by all reports a good guy, but they married knowing no child was possible. Nova, an archeologist, and fairly ancient Vampire are in a serious relationship with a human archeologist studying the very Amerind culture Nova came from. Andy does not know about Vampires, but Nova cared about him a great deal, and this new wrinkle is causing her to rethink some things. She told me once that she has always been clear that they are never going to be more than committed lovers because she knew he is human and that for her, this is transitory.

I have to think that, from now on, every time a woman Vampire is feeding her blood lust, she might also be looking at the human a little differently. That may not be a terrible thing.

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