There Was A Town

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Morgan came into my office and handed me a report. Ninovan has been utterly empty and Crew remodeling finished for over two months. They made it look ancient, and now two months of additional overgrowth has happened. I imagine it looks amazing.

Everyone from there is now 'here', someplace in New Ninovan. Or the Executive retreat. In one case, in some tents pitched out behind a big house with a pool. One way to solve the pool problem. You want a pool? You have to live in a tent. It will take a long while to get it all fixed in Austin, but we got out of Old Ninovan in time to let the Crew do their thing.

"I just received that from Melody and John. The delaying game is over. The FBI went into the old Ninovan location last night. That is the initial report from the leader of the team. The initial FBI incursion team was just a few agents, sent in to address all the reports about the hidden village and its people."

"Well, I'll be damned..." I said as I read the report.

"That seems unlikely." Morgan commented very mildly.

I tapped the page I was looking at. "It says here that there was a town there! Who knew? That it has been abandoned for at least fifty years, as near as they can tell. Maybe longer. Seems to be a place for local teens to 'hook up'. Horny little kids."

"I sent a copy of that over to Denise to send around Crew and Council." Morgan said. "They will be happy to see their subterfuge and stage dressing were completely successful. That the time, effort, and money was worth it. The Secret remains safe."

"Hard as this was, it turned out to be easier than getting the Ninovan's happy in their new quarters. Jesus, what a bunch of fucking babies." I commented on our current challenges.

"I think Tobey is right about the giving part. We are going to need to get people to working faster so that they are earning their keep on this." Morgan said.

"If nothing else, have them digging new pools. That will give them an appreciation of them." I said. "Hell, we don't have a pool here."

"No, but we do have the pool we got married in at Claremont."

"And after all this shit, I'm ready to go there and make some wine for a while."

"So that you do not have to hear the whine?" Morgan asked.

"Who ARE you?" I asked. "That is something Jessica would say."

"She is rubbing off on me." Morgan explained.

"Every night." I said.

"Yeah: I started something there..." Morgan looked thoughtful. "I wonder what she is doing right now..."

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