Angel Awakens

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"Do you think the reason Helen has so many women on the side is that in our marriage, our love for her IS a choice?" Morgan asked

"Yes. Sort of. Not Rachel. I think Rachel is not a choice Helen can make. It just is. I think the same thing is true the other way: Rachel for Helen. Part of why I pushed them back together so hard when Diana was born. They belong together. Holly is pretty cool too. I think the chemistry of that is that Rachel is the calm, cool, collected one that the hot-headed Helen needs, and that Rachel needs the passion that Helen brings. Let's face it: Helen is a firecracker. Same for Holly. Helen and Holly is TNT and Dynamite going to bed together. Some day I would love to be in the same room while those two are making love, just to see the explosions." I agreed.

Morgan found that mental image amusing and gave me a grin. It felt nice to see it.

I went on. "I chose to love Helen, even though it went against my human thinking. Jessica chose to love her, even though it went against her gender preference. You chose to love her too. Helen knows at some level that her spouses ALL chose her, not that we were all initially swept off our feet and carried away by her. Love is weird. I mean: it is hard to tease apart the sex from the love sometimes, and other times it's easy. With Helen, not that you know this, the sex is amazing. Experience counts. But there is also always that little tiny mental distance there that I do not have with you or Jessica most of the time. I love her. She loves me. We still fight all the time. Never doubt I love her, even as sometimes that is harder."

"Do you think the age difference is part of that?" Morgan asked.

"There is a point of view chasm there, for sure. Another reason she and Rachel work. You'll notice that when it came time to realize that male Vampires needed a different setup than two-year probation, it was the older Vampires that got there last. Not counting Denise. I know she is up near Helen's age somewhere and maybe older, but she was ready to get off the killing train fast. Right to Victoria's face, no less."

"You think? Although there is another future problem like the Angel one I will have to deal with." Morgan said.

"I know." I could not help but agree. "Denise has her mind made up. She is not quite the force of nature Helen is, but once she makes up her mind about something, she will not be diverted. Not about her current guilt for all the male Vampires she killed either. You and she have the guilt thing in common. You and I won't be dealing with Denise until Denise has dealt with her need to pay penance. You can never accuse her of not having a long-term point of view because, after that, Denise will be jumping aboard the baby train, and grabbing ahold with arms, legs, and everything else. She is going to be a Sagan, come hell or high water. Just ask her."

"I know. She has never put it in those terms, but I know. Every time Anne suggests she could pick a different father now that is an option, Denise shuts her down hard. It is not just children. It is children raised here with us or nothing. Thank all the gods past, present and future Denise has the Vampire long-term point of view. I am happy to have space. Maybe we'll have solved the gender imbalance by then. Denise is a hungry, hungry lady. She feeds WAY more than she has to, and not because she is after blood."

Morgan laughed shortly. "I may have to propose to Danny and Lori. That way we get a heterosexual guy and a bisexual girl. That would help. I am also happy that if someone is going to join us other than Danny and Lori, it is Denise. Of all our extended family on the Crew, I love her the most. When she gets off the Crew, we need to add her to the Agency. Another Sagan for Olsen and Sagan. She will feel about you as I do and protect you with her last breath. That woman is loyal and passionate and perfect for our agency, what with her centuries of Crew experience."

"Because I need protecting." I griped.

"You absolutely do." Morgan agreed.

"Back to the PREVIOUS topic since all of that seems like way in the future, sometimes there is an asymmetry in love. Rachel loves Helen to the exclusion of all else in a romantic sense, whereas Helen loves all of us, including Rachel. Helen has an asymmetrical love too. Helen loves Jessica more than anyone. For you and me, I think there is symmetry between us. I had no choice about being in love with you."

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