Chapter 1

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Chaos POV

Another unarmed black man killed by the police with excessive force, why can we not just live? I am tired of hearing story after story of black people being killed by the cops for no reason. This one supposedly had the cops called on him because the cashier thought he was using a fake check or $20 bill...that was worth this man's life? All this man's life was worth was a $20 bill? It's coming out that the money wasn't even fake but even if it was he did not deserve to die like that, no one deserves to die like that. His body was limp around four minutes so the cop was just overdoing it at that point because he knows he wouldn't have to do time in prison. I have donated money, signed every petition I could find, and shared the resources so others can do the same but that's not enough for me. I need to get out there and fight for my human rights, I'll be peaceful and test out the waters but if we're getting shot with rubber bullets and tear-gassed anyway then I'm going all out tomorrow. So I took a nice long shower and got dressed in this (you actually have black glasses to protect your eyes and instead you have a brown bag with basic essentials like a phone, water, granola bar, and first aid kit) and head to the protest downtown.

 So I took a nice long shower and got dressed in this (you actually have black glasses to protect your eyes and instead you have a brown bag with basic essentials like a phone, water, granola bar, and first aid kit) and head to the protest downtown

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Spec Ops POV

Again??? Another unarmed black man is killed by the police, well...I guess it is time to see how good I am at being anonymous. I learned a lot from observing how anonymous did it in 2011-2013 and although a lot of them were caught I feel I have learned from their mistakes and will be able to help justice be served. So I get dressed and I head out to the protest downtown. So far everything is peaceful so I just march forward with everyone and as I am doing that I notice people are whispering about me. It's kind of to be expected but I'm not sure if it is because I'm anonymous or because I'm tall. Anywho a few people start making small talk with me which is fine I don't mind people. One girl goes to ask my name when a short girl dressed in all black covering majority of her body interjects and answers for me.

"What's your name?" a protester asked

"They can't give you that, anonymous are here to protect us and by them talking to you and showing their hair they are already too exposed and it will be easier for this one *points to me* to be discovered. You like this one? Protect them at all costs, avoid asking names, admire from afar, create what you think they may look like in a story or something but do not pry too much, please. This video will be damaging enough when you upload it, even out of admiration" she stated

The protester nodded showing she understood and went back over to her friends to continue marching. I go to really get a good look at this girl but am interrupted by me being scolded by her.

"​*turn towards me* Have you lost your everlasting mind? Stop talking to people, your voice is now on audio and if there is a way for them to figure out who you are by that then you're screwed. And why are you showing your hair? That lessens the options of people as well, do you want to get fucking caught? Look, we need you, and we as people take a huge loss if ANY of anonymous gets caught and put in prison. It's not your job to be the world's hero but we're depending on you to be our leader whether you like it or not. So wave your hand or give a nod to acknowledge a presence but don't fucking talk and cover your hair next time"

I tilt my head a little shocked but amused at how she is speaking to me, it is very different from how the other protesters spoke to me. Before I could speak she runs off to where the protester from before and her friends were and kicked the tear gas that was coming towards them back at the cops. Wow, is she anon too? She seems to be checking if they are alright and telling them to come with protective goggles next time they decide to protest. They nod and she walks away from them, she looks up and I motion for her to come to me. I'm not sure if she is actually looking at me because she has on black sunglasses, not the best protective gear but a lot more than most.

"You summoned me?"

"What's your name?"

A/N: Will you reveal your identity? Why does he seem to have this interest in you? This is more of a story than one-shots but I hope you will give it a chance. Thanks for reading my first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and add this story to your reading list to stay up to date when new chapters come out. Until next time XOXO

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