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~5 years later~

Chaos POV

So here we are, you're probably wondering what all has been accomplished with the protests and the world overall right? Well for starters a lot more people are voting so we got that horrible president out of the office and have a new one now, he's still a majority but he seems to genuinely care about the minorities and problems they go through. I along with some of my friends have gotten more people interested in voting to choose new congress, senators, and state councils which we got a pretty great group of people who care about equity and equality for all. We are slowly but surely defunding the police and putting that money back into the community, it seems to be doing great so far. We accomplished a lot but it will take decades to get things to a fair world with basic human rights. Eirene and her wife Love have adopted three beautiful children to have a beautiful little family, two girls, and a boy. There is Symphony (age 5), Dream (age 4), and Jeremiah (age 3). Ares and his girlfriend at the time Krystal got married last year and when Ares threw the garter Spec Ops (who eventually told me his name was Jayden) caught it. The guys messed with him about it and he just smiled and when Krystal threw the bouquet everyone moved out the way last minute so I could catch it. I turned around to ask why everyone moved to see Spec Ops on one knee. He gave one of the most beautiful speeches and asked me to marry him to which I of course said yes. We've been engaged for a year now and planned on taking our time to get married because of a certain vision Spec Ops had in mind. I never had a "dream wedding" in mind, hell I didn't think I would get married so once he's ready we will start planning and figuring things out. Eight months after getting engaged I found out I was pregnant, I took a pregnancy test at home and then went to the doctor to confirm it. I was two months along and there could be two heartbeats heard so it was pretty safe to say I was pregnant with twins. So I got Ares and Eirene to help me make an anonymous video announcing my pregnancy and have it send to his phone from an anonymous number.

"Greetings Jayden also known as Spec Ops, this is a message from anonymous. Police brutality and murder is a widespread problem of the United States which undoubtedly infect every jurisdiction in the country. These events have once again repeated themself causing protests and riots all over the world. Hundreds and thousands of people everywhere have been standing up to this injustice including your fiance Justice also known as Chaos who seemed to have caught your attention at one of the first rallies in the beginning. Through all of this, you both fought for more than just the injustice going on in America but for each other. It seems you both have overcome Rage trying to ruin your relationship, a baby scare, and a hospital visit but the real challenge to your relationship has yet to come. The real testament to whether you and Justice can survive is in an envelope in the location where you had your first kiss. Go now if you are ready for your life to change forever, as one of our own...we think you should know"

Once he watched the video, he freaked out and ran to his truck searching all through it until he found the manilla envelope. It was down the side of the passenger seat where my hat fell during the kiss. In big bright red letters it said CONFIDENTIAL, he took a deep breath and took out this huge card with a picture of me and him talking at the very first protest on the front and on the inside it read, "We are anonymous, we are legion...expect us" with my pregnancy test taped inside and a mini envelope from the doctor's office showing the positive pregnancy test telling him how far along I am and that I'm having twins. I then had Ares call Spec Ops as anonymous and confirm he got the news and then he dropped the act and let him know that he and Eirene made the video. He asked where I was and drove straight to my house banging on the door. I opened it to him bringing me into an intense and passionate kiss leaving me breathless against the counter. He finally pulls away and asks if he is really going to be a father and I tell him yes. Fast forward to me six months pregnant here and we are outside in my backyard at a gender reveal party to find out what I'm having. They throw paper mache balls filled with confetti at us and we both hit them with baseball bats to find out we're having a boy and a girl. We all hug it out and taken in one of the most exciting days of our life.


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