Chapter 15

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Spec Ops POV

A lot of small changes have been accomplished over the last few months but we still have a long way to go. Things have gotten so chaotic and it is really taking a toll on all of us, especially Chaos. She's definitely overworking herself, it's almost like she is a completely different person. She works so hard with keeping her buildings with materials for protesters, getting us bulletproof vests, and finding other ways to minimize the number of people being killed for whatever reason during the day that we barely even see her outside of the protests. At night she is signing petitions, donating to funds/organizations to help black people and protesters, and reading up on black history that we weren't taught I feel she's going to overdo it and end up in the hospital or worse. I haven't even had time to ask her to be my girlfriend yet because things got so busy but I hope to change that soon. I miss her hugs, smile, laugh, kisses, and even her teasing. I miss her.

"Call her" Ares said

"She's busy, she's always busy and I don't want to disturb her"

"She always responds to you even when she is busy"

"I know but"

"No buts, your girlfriend looks like a panda with those dark circles around her eyes and I don't even think she is eating. I only ever see her at protests with a ton of water and milk bottles"

"I don't know if I can stop her, she's fighting to live like everyone else. She's fighting for respect from the same men she's defending. She's almost on auto-pilot."

"At this rate, she will drop dead. She won't see any of these changes. If anyone can snap her out of this and make her take a break it's you. She loves you and for you, she will listen"

"She loves me???"

"Everyone could see that from the day we met her, she's of course not going to say it because she doesn't want to freak you out. She'll threaten to kick me or Rage ass in a minute but for you, she's submissive. Not in a "you're controlling her way" but in a way that as long as you are protecting her she has no problem following you"

"So I should call her?"

"You need to go see her and talk some sense into her if you care at all. You know the energy between you two is intense as hell, use that to get her to slow down. Whether that means she gets lost in your eyes, yall make out, or more just get her to listen and slow down"

"*calls and puts it on speaker*"


"Hey beautiful, what you up to? Why you sound so far away?"

"I'm making bulletproof vests"

"Can I come over? I haven't been able to spend time with you in months and I miss you"

"Of course baby, the password is the date we had our first kiss. Just come in when you get here"

"Ok, be there soon"

"Bye *hangs up*"

~At Chaos house~

I walk in to see her in the living room on the couch using a sewing machine to finish up a vest.

"Can I get a hug?"

"Of course let me finish this vest first........there *gets up and winces*"

"Are those your bones popping like that? *hugs her*"

"I don't move as much when I'm in the house *hugs me burying her face in my chest* you smell really good"

"Come on, we need to talk *grabs her hand and heads to her room*"

"We're not even dating but I feel like you're about to break up with me"

"Lay on your stomach"

"*does as I say*"

"*starts giving her a massage* your body should never be this tense"

"*moans out*Ahhhh fuck this feel good"

"Everyone is worried about you, you're overworking yourself and you're going to end up sick. You've been so worried about everyone else that you aren't taking care of yourself. When is the last time you ate?"

"Do protein shakes count?"

"Chaos! I care about you, I need you. You have to take better care of yourself, it is okay to put yourself first sometime. You are going to take a week off from everything to reenergize and I'll do it with you"

"But sir"

"No buts, you want to live to see a change right? Then you have to take time off so we can get you back to your old self"

"Whatever you say, with hands that work like these, I'll take the time off"

"*chuckles* you feel a lot less tense, have you missed me?"

"More than you ever know, I have survived off of fanfiction wrote about you with nice drawings of you in uniform. Between that, my box of treats and my vivid imagination I have been able to manage just well enough to survive the next day"

"*lifts up to turn her on her back* you me?"

"Oh, plenty of times. It helps train my actual self-control around you and me teasing you more fun. You look so handsome from this view"

"*gets off her* I want our first time to be special which is why I try to minimize your teasing but you really know how to push my buttons"

"I haven't pushed your buttons in six months *gets up and grab my water bottle to drink* thanks for the massage sir"

"*growls* now kitten *looks at me*"

A/N: Uh oh, all this teasing probably pushed Spec Ops a little too far. What will happen? Can Chaos get out of this? Guess you have to wait until next time to find out. Thanks for continuing to read my story, it means so much to me. Please continue to vote, comment, and add this story to your library. XOXO

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