Chapter 9

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TW: Mention of death, blood, violence, lynchings, drowning, idk how to do these warnings

Chaos POV

It has been two weeks since the first protest and so far we have fix the loophole in the chokehold ban in New York, got no-knock warrants banned, got the charge from 3rd to 2nd-degree murder and the other three officers charged...and we're still not done yet. The media is saying we have won so we should stop protesting but if they think we are letting up off of them they are crazy. They are also panicking because several officers have turned up dead or missing and people "don't know how to fix it". Some officers have been driving and their car exploded, some officers have literally been lit on fire in front of another officer and some have died from too much exposure to tear gas. Some were last seen by big pools of water, some hanging from trees, and some of them hit by bullets they shot that ricocheted off of people wooden signs. There are no traces of any evidence, footage, or anything to tie anyone to these crimes. Cops are freaking out and racist people are freaking out. Several students who received admission letters to their dream schools have been informed they no longer are accepted due to their racist acts. A lot of workers from several companies have lost their jobs due to their racist acts. Things are happening right before everyone's eyes and it is more than anyone could imagine. The only problem is since there is legitimately a reason to be scared of us now there is nothing holding them back from killing anyone they see the moment they see them. We gave them the fear they so badly talked about for all these years and they can't handle it so this world will end in a huge blood bath before we can see who will come out on top and find a new normal. Due to everything going on it has been harder to restock on my supplies in my buildings for people to make their protective signs and get gear but I'll find a way around that. For the next few days, the communities have all talked and said we would skip the next few days for protesting so they can let their guard down and then ramp things back up. These days will be taken for people who want to give speeches, advocate for our rights, and inform those who are actually ready to listen now on what we want. That being said Spec Ops called me over to hang out with him and the gang since we've been so busy. I do the secret knock they told me so they would let me in and hug everyone except Spec Ops.

"Where my hug?"

"You don't get one *still holding onto Rage*"

"Stop playing with me or I'll expose your identity, you're not stronger than me"

"In a lot of ways I am but fine *goes and hug him whispering* Are you jealous sir? *pulls away and goes to sit back by Rage*"

"Absolutely not *pulls me back by my hoodie and puts his arm around me* you're stuck with me"

"What has gotten into yall friend here? *laughs*"

"He has never been like this before, this is weird" Eirene says

"Did you fuck Spec Ops? That would be the only thing I can think of to make him this way, or you put a spell on him" Ares asked

"*tilts head* I don't practice witchcraft although I respect it and I am a virgin so if he is pussy whipped it is not by me"

"I think she's a lot like me, so she should leave him and date me *winks*" Rage says playfully

"I am not dating him but I can't date you Rage, I don't see you in that way and I don't want to waste your time or lead you on...I'm really sorry"

"It was worth another try *looks over* I don't know when yall gonna end up together but the first time you mess up I'm taking her from you" Rage said

"*chuckles* try it, give me a reason to show that she's mine and always will be"

"*looks at you* Sir???"

"*leans over to my ear and whispers* I can make you a moaning mess in seconds with just my fingers in front of everybody. Now Rage is already pushing me, call me sir one more time and see don't I make my words come true"

"Ok ok ok, I quit, I'm sorry"

"When did this love triangle happen and why are you not shocked by this *looks at Ares*"

"Well, Spec Ops is my brother so it would only make sense that he would tell me a lot of things and I just observe Rage a lot. Rage is an open book so I'm surprised you didn't notice that Rage liked her. Spec Ops body language gives him away, he's always positioned in some way that has her within his line of vision no matter what" Ares stated

"So Ares, what all did he tell you?"

"Everything...I'm trying to figure you out so he doesn't have to tell me though, he gets embarrassed easily"

"I'm not the easiest to read but you are free to try, *looks at Spec Ops* can you let go of me? I'm thirsty"


"*goes to the kitchen*"

"That girl is innocent as hell, why are you acting like this?" Eirene whisper shouts

"You made her uncomfortable by trying to prove something to me" Rage whispers

"Innocent??? It's a partial act, she is not innocent. Yall think I'm acting like this off of innocence alone?" Spec Ops says *heads to the kitchen*"

A/N: Thanks for continuing to read my story, I love and appreciate every single one of you! Please continue to vote, comment, and add this story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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