Chapter 18

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Spec Ops POV

"*stands up and walks up to Rage looking him in the eyes* you know the saddest and heartbreaking part of all this? It's that I considered you one of my closest friends but you stand here ecstatic that my heart is breaking. You stand here amused that I am hurting. You stand here in so much glory that someone you swore you cared so much about is right back at square one *tears stream down her face as she raises her voice and starts yelling*. Did you think doing this in front of everyone was going to make me come to you? Did you forget that these here people are supposed to be fighting for rights bigger than I'll ever be and look, they can't even stand to look at you. Did you forget the whole reason we all even came together? How selfish can you be? If you were a friend you would have pulled me to the side and told me this but you wanted to show your bravo Rage. I hope you accomplished what you wanted *turns to me* and for should take up acting. Because I really thought you cared" Chaos Leaves

"CHAOS WAIT *tries to get up but can't get out of Ares hold* Eirene" Ares said

"I'm on it" Eirene leaves after her

Chaos POV

I have no energy to kick and scream and fight for someone keeping secrets for me. I'm used to being the butt of the joke so it's fine. I get in my car blasting XXXTentacion about to pull off when I hear banging on my passenger side window. I look over to see it's Eirene and I turn my music down but don't open my door.

"*rolls window down* what?"

"Let me in Chaos"


"You know why, now open the door"

"We have nothing to discuss sweetheart"


"*sighs and unlocks the door*"

"*gets in* Can you listen to what I am about to say fully first ?"

"Go on"

"Spec Ops loves you, I'm not sure if he's told you but he does. It's crazy how quickly he fell for you and just hasn't told you yet. When talking about it with Ares even he says he's noticed a difference in him for the better and they're related. Ares said he has never talked about a woman the way he talks about you, not even the woman that Rage mentioned. Now Ares would know more than I would but something doesn't seem right about what Rage told you and I know there is more to this story. He wouldn't have taken all this time and energy to win you just to string you along, he's not that type of guy. Please give him a chance to try and explain, that day you saw him hug and kiss my forehead he freaked out. He thought he had lost you and we talked about how for him to win you over for almost an hour. I'm not saying there isn't some truth behind this but these are not games that he's trying to play with you, just hear him out please"

"*breaks down in the driver seat* All of this is too much"

"I know *holds and comforts me* Rage is an asshole and he will be gone before the end of the day for good"

I'm hurting and whether this is fully true or not the way it all came out was too much too handle. I go from crying and shaking to freaking out because I couldn't breathe. The last thing I remember faintly is Eirene calling my name.

~Meanwhile in the house~ Spec Ops POV

"Rage get your stuff and leave, you're not welcomed here with us anymore"

"But Are"

"Shut the hell up!!!, You need to realize everything is not about you. Chaos does not want you, she chose Spec Ops and Spec Ops chose her. Why does that bother you so much? She has been honest from the jump, each time you shot your shot she turned you down gently. Don't ruin everyone else's life just because your feelings are hurt. Now you have her as nothing, not your girlfriend, not a friend, not even a partner in crime. Spec Ops ain't did shit to you so all this shit was unnecessary, and you told her a story when you didn't even have all the details. So if Eirene isn't able to get Chaos to give him a chance to explain...I'm a let him beat yo ass"

I have never seen Ares so mad before but he lives by his name alright. I smile a little seeing him stand up and defend me, I truly appreciate it. Before I could say anything Eirene comes in with Chaos in her arms, I quickly head over and take her from Eirene and ask what happen but looking at Chaos puffy tear-stained face I could already tell. I go and take her to my room laying her down and taking off her shoes and jacket. I come back down to explain why she probably passed out.

A/N: Well Rage, are you happy? Did you get what you wanted? Poor Chaos, I hope everything works out soon. Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and add this story to your reading list to stay up to date when new chapters come out. Until next time XOXO

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