Chapter 14

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Spec Ops POV

I wake up and realize it is late at night and I might as well stay the night with her but I should let the others know. I grab my phone to see a ton of messages and missed calls. I text Eirene and Ares that I am safe with Chaos and will explain tomorrow and then I get up and decide to buy Chinese food for dinner since I don't know well enough where stuff is. Once the food gets here, I take out all the snacks from her cabinets, get us a couple of drinks from the fridge, and head upstairs. I set everything at her desk and wakes her up gently.

"Take this"

"*takes medicine and sits up taking in her surroundings* Did we do anything? *looking at my clothes*"

"No, I would never take advantage of you. I changed your clothes and you slept in my arms. You look uncomfortable in your overalls"

"Okay, sorry about earlier"

"No need, it did look suspicious. I'm just glad I found you. My hacking skills are superb in time of panic"

"*smiles* bring everything here and sit by me, our drinks can go on the drawer"

So we eat, crack jokes, and just be carefree for the moment. She seems to have let her guard down a little so I'm gonna see if I can get information out of her this time.

"So you know one of my kinks, it's only right you tell me one of yours?"

"Oh really? Why should I? I discovered your kink on accident"


"I told you I haven't done anything so how can I have kinks? *throws away the Chinese food boxes*"

"You have a few you know of, some you don't but some you do"

"One of them is in the netflix movie 365 days, it's a simple one...there"

"So let's watch it now"

"Absolutely not, you must watch it by yourself, at night, with headphones"

"So I'm getting homework now?"

"Yup, you also need to watch suicide squad if you haven't something the Joker does is one of my kinks. I have two different...I guess you can call pet names that I'll respond to but I am not telling you which movie says one"

"So two pet names and an action? Fair enough, any sensitive places on your body you want to give me *smiles*"

"NO *laughs* we just on our first date and you're already trying to figure out how to get me to submit to you"

"You count this as a date? *looks at her smiling*"

"*eyes widen realizing what she said and looks at you dull like* Nope"

"Yes you do, you really like me huh? If this counts as a date pleasing you isn't that hard. This can be a preview to our first date, I want our actual first date to be more romantic than this"

"You already know I'm a tease and like to push your buttons, why set yourself up for torture?"

"Nothing but good can come from that in the end, I just need you to understand that whenever I have you a disheveled moaning mess Rage is going to hear it all because I'm going to call him and just let your body explain that you are mine, all mine"

"That's traumatizing *doorbell rings* did you order something else?"


She goes downstairs and comes back with a bag with a note, basically, Ares found the house and dropped me off an overnight bag. That was nice. So we clean up all our trash, put the rest of the snacks away, and get ready for bed. We're not going to sleep on full stomachs but getting ready is necessary. She lays on my chest and falls asleep as we were watching cartoons so I make sure she is sleep holding her close and switch to suicide squad to see if I can find out what she is talking about, 365 days is next. I hope I don't regret watching this next to her.

~6 months later~ Chaos POV

All hell has broken loose, overall things are slowly changing for the better but at the rate of dead black bodies is it all worth it? At this point, everyone is just killing each other and it seems like there is no end in sight. I have had to relocate my supplies to fireproof buildings from cops blowing them up and police stations have also been burned. The FBI has been getting involved in a lot of the unjust killings involving cops so that is a least a start because the cops are being fired and arrested. I had a friend that was able to get my friends and I bulletproof vest to wear under our clothes when we go out to protest, I'm going to learn how to make them so I can add them to my buildings for protesters. A lot of women have been getting killed and assaulted for being on the frontline of protests and for unrelated things and it has kind of taken a toll on me. Do I fight for black women to be respected by black men or do I fight for all black lives to matter and focus on women later? It seems hard to focus on both at the same time but I have to keep pushing for those to come after me. This war will end in equality for all or I'll die trying to see it happen.

A/N: Thanks for continuing to read my story. Please vote, comment, and add this story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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