Chapter 5

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Spec Ops POV

"You're prepared for everything huh *heads back out to the car*"

"You have to be or else you get caught slipping *gets in*"

"What do you do Chaos? *gets in and drives off*"

"What do you mean?"

"What's your job? Are you a hacker? Where did you come from?"

"I am simply a black individual trying to live like everyone else. I am no different from you Spec Ops. We both want to fight and change a broken system that was never set out to serve my people. I would say our but I don't know your race"

"We're fighting for our people" (I am making this up as I go, this could be completely false)

"*laughs* And people see anonymous as heroes and fantasies, it's very easy to get information out of you guys"

"Only if we feel comfortable enough to trust you, as you might have seen the day before the one girl asked my name and did not get it"

"Would you have given her your name if the girl dressed in black had not intervened?"

"No, she would have told everyone which would have made me more known specifically and more people interested in finding out who I am"

"Why would yall trust me? Yall don't know me"

"Anyone who taunts the police, blinds them with paint, throws tear gas back at them, and flips a vehicle with cops in it knowing that at any moment they could probably die sounds like someone ready to die for change *pulls in the back to park and cuts the car off* and anyone willing to die for strangers that have absolutely no idea who you are and might not have done the same for you sounds trustworthy to me"

"Aweee, someone really is falling for me"

"*laughs* whatever, get out my truck"

We get out and head inside where everyone seems to have showered, ate, and headed to their own rooms.

"I don't think there are any protests tomorrow and I would like to get to know more about the person behind this mask. Do you have any plans?"

"I actually have a pretty busy schedule tomorrow but...if you would like to come you can"

"Really? Cool"

"You can dress casual but you still need something to cover your face, not your fawkes mask because that will draw attention but a regular face mask"


"One because we are still in the middle of a pandemic and two...because I haven't earned the right to know your identity yet. I will only accept knowing your identity if and only if you trust me to protect your life. If you believe I would do anything to protect you. For me to know your identity is you letting me into your personal world, not just this persona that protects and helps you save the world"

"Fair, but the same goes for you. I hope to one day build your trust and get to know all aspects of you. Well, we should both go shower, and head to bed"

"Are you asking me to join you sir?"

"No no no I...I didn't mean...what I was saying was... we-"

"Relax lover boy, I was just joking. Lead the way"

So I show her the guess room, point out the shower and where everything she should need would be and then I leave for my room. I wonder what all she has planned for tomorrow.

~Next Day~

So I wake up and get ready for my day, as I come out the bathroom from brushing my teeth I smell...sausage??? No one in this house really cooks. I head downstairs to be stopped in my tracks. It's...its's

"Good morning giant, have a seat I'm working on your omelet now. Have some fruit while you wait"

"I love this girl, she's badass and she can cook? Are you seeing anyone?" Rage asked her

"No, but the giant caught my interest first. Sorry love *gives him extra pieces of bacon as a peace offering*" Chaos said

"*looks over* are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Eirene asked me

"It's're Chaos? *slowly walks up and sits at the island*

"Yes, a pleasure to see you again" 

"I'm missing something here, please fill us in" Ares said as he sipped his smoothie

"The girl Rage was supposed to help me find, this is her. This is exactly what she had on when we first met besides...I remember her voice"

"This is who has you smiling like the Ches-OWWW *rubs his head*" Rage started to say but was cut off

"I was not smiling like the cat but yes, it is her"

"Told you, you would see me again *hands him his omelet and buttered toast with a pineapple-mango smoothie*"

"Well then, y'all should catch up while us three have some business to take care of *looks at Chaos* just leave the dishes and we'll clean them up when we get back as a thank you" Ares said

"Okay, see ya later"

So we eat breakfast, clean up our mess, and head out for the day. Seeing that I have no idea where we're going I let her drive my truck. We head to a store and buy a ton of milk which I am very confused about but then she tells me her plan with the abandoned warehouses and how she technically owns them so she's setting them up for a safe space for protesters to get medical attention/help while also providing materials to make signs and things there so they have less to carry with them. She explained how everything was set up as we arrived driving inside to put the milk in the fridge and although I can't see behind her mask I can feel her smiling. She really cares about people and wants them as safe as possible.

"*finish stocking this fridge* you're staring again, what's on your mind giant?"

A/N" If you are still reading my story, thank you! I appreciate every person who reads, votes, and puts this story in their library. Please look forward to the next chapter and comment any thoughts you may have. Until next time, XOXO

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