Chapter 19

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TW: Mention of Rape

Spec Ops POV

"She has really bad asthma but is hard-headed and rarely keeps her inhaler close to her, she hadn't really been eating for God knows how long, and she was only drinking water and protein shakes. So...from exhaustion, lack of any type of nutrition, and high-level stress it probably triggered her causing her to pass out. I'll take care of her, I've done it before"

"I think I got her to at least listen to your side, I don't know what's going on with what Rage said but you need to clear it up. Remember the talk we first had" Eirene said

So I go in the room and like last time I take off my shoes and jacket and lay down with her. I turn her towards me so her head is in my chest and falls asleep with her. I knew I would have to tell her but I was hoping it would be on my terms.


So I wake up to feel her trying to get out of my arms but I just hold her tight as she cries in my chest holding me tight. I knew at this moment that all was not lost but this would be hard to get through. As she cries I rub her back kissing her temple and whispering I'm sorry to her over and over. Once she calms down I pull back and let her go so she can sit up as do I.

"Is it true?"

"Possibly, I have to wait until she's born to get a DNA test but it's not what it sounds like"

"Was this before or after you took an interest in me?"


"I have no reason to be upset then, I wish you would have told me but we weren't even serious until yesterday so I can't blame you for that logically"

"*hands her my phone* read them, all of them"

"*reads them* she drugged trusted her as your friend and she drugged you. Oh gosh, that's sick, she...she...but in your sleep. *looks at me* I'm so sorry, I feel like an idiot for not letting you explain"

"It was a lot to take in so I understand, only Ares knows what happened. It's embarrassing to talk about"

"Fair, well we never have to bring it up again unless you want to"

"Thank you but...what does that mean for us?"

"Well, if it is your child I'll be by your side and if it's not I'll be by your side. I've fallen too deep to turn back now *giggles*"

"*turns her face to me and kisses her* I love you and I'm sorry I keep hurting you"

"I love you too, and these have both been misunderstandings. You might not realize it yet but you're stuck with me forever. You've taken too many first for me to start over with someone else"

"*smiles* And I plan to take the rest when the time is right. Now let me go get you something to eat, we're still supposed to be relaxing and recharging this week. Ares and Eirene said they can handle the protest for now, they even said they spot more anonymous people"

~3 months later~ Spec Ops POV

So the filthy, sexist, racist, pedophile rapist gave the military the right to pretty much kill us in cold blood without repercussion. It's not like they weren't already doing that but for a leader to give the governors of each state the right to "do what they have to do by any means necessary to keep our officers safe" is complete and utter bullshit. Luckily a lot of the governors are keeping their officers with tear gas and rubber bullets but some are just killing innocent protesters. At this point, Chaos was contacted by some friends that wanted to help her make bulletproof vests and protective gear which has been very helpful and has made it harder for as many people to be killed. A lot of protesters have been coming with what looks like tear gas but is actually a mixture of wasp spray and bleach in various bottles with various spray lengths. Pepper spray is illegal in a lot of places but bleach and wasp spray is not (please do not make this for real) so it seemed like a better choice. We've been switching who goes to protests each time so it confuses everyone and gets the focus back off of us, the only one that's been going almost every time is of course Chaos. Since she took that week off and has more help she has been doing a lot better and a lot more has been accomplished. Statues of prior slave owners and Confederate statues are being taken down, police are being fired and investigated a lot more, even food companies are changing the names of some of their products because of the history behind them. Even though this is great this war is far from finish. So I head out to the protest with Ares and Eirene and we kind of blend in now since everyone has protective gear which is nice but we put ourselves in the front to still protect the people. We hear people chanting, "We young, we lit, we taking over this shit" face to face with police. Maybe six feet apart but they are not backing down to the police in any way, there's way more of us than it is of them but they still have better weapons to harm us with. I swear I blinked and all hell broke loose.

A/N: What happened at the protest? Can we ever get a break? Guess you'll have to wait and find out. Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and add this story to your reading list to stay up to date when new chapters come out. Until next time XOXO

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