Chapter 2

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Spec Ops POV

"*starts walking so attention is not drawn to them* Now you know I can't tell you that, literally no one knows my real name"

"*follows* What if I tell you mine?"

"What did I tell you about talking?"

"Not my real name, one of my code names *whispers* I have many so it is harder for me to be tracked"

"You don't give up do you?"

"Not once I am interested"

"Fine, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"Spec Ops here, and you?"

"You can call me Justice for now"

"Are you anon as well? You dress similar to us but you don't have the emblem"

"I see myself as a misfit, I don't fit in anywhere but I have lots of connections and can be very valuable just like anonymous. Only difference is...I hate attention so I try to dress normal enough not to stand out"

"Will I see you more often? Will you be a regular?"

"Yes, but you won't notice me anymore...there are three other anons here. One all the way by the freedom stamp across the street and up a little bit, one all the way behind us by the scales, and one all the way in the front face to face with the cops. If they are anything like you where they like to be social, tell them to get actual voice changers at least attached to your clothing *walks away*"

~Later that day~ Secret location

So I end up finding all the other anon that she mentioned, they all seem nice enough and have something different to offer as do I. There are two guys named Rage and Ares and a girl named Eirene. I found that I have a pretty good memory so I can get things like badge numbers, names, etc to give the lead hacker. That would be Ares, he works quickly and finds pretty much anything you can think of...that can be very useful but also dangerous. Rage is what you would call an asshole but only towards bad people, he's really good at annoying/taunting people so it will be easy for him to get up under the cops' skin. That leaves Eirene, she the messenger. She's good at finding connections that can help us with this fight whether it is medical supplies, milk to clean the tear gas in people's eyes, etc. So we talked about what we all witnessed and could tell by our quadrants and they were shocked to find out that I got distracted by a woman.

"This was one of the more peaceful protests by far but you let a woman distract you? In the middle of a race war?" Rage asked

"She must be really attractive, what does she look like?" Ares asked

"That's just it, I don't know. She was dressed similar to us so I couldn't really tell any features"

"What made you interested in her?" Eirene asked

"She was assertive and very defensive of me, several women kind of surrounded me asking me questions and at first it was fine but then one of them asked my name. That's when she popped up out of nowhere and told her I couldn't answer that question and that they should respect my privacy so that I can help them fight this war. She spoke seriously but in a nurturing way that they agreed with her and left me alone"

"Well that's different"

"I know, then she turned to me and became aggressive...but it came off caring thinking back on it. She was scolding me for talking and showing my hair because those are identifiers and told me if I insist on being social I need a voice changer and to cover up my hair. She told me how important anonymous is to this war and that they can't afford for any of us to go to prison if they want to win"

"Wow, this sounds like more than just a stranger caring about someone's safety" Rage said

"Oh, I almost forgot. Before she was able to scold me she sprinted over to the protesters from earlier and kick tear gas that was coming right for them back at cops. It was like something I have never seen before. She then checked to make sure everyone was fine and told them how to prepare for the next protest they come to."

"She does sound interesting, you don't have a picture or anything?"

"Oh, *takes out phone and searches through all the picture others took throughout the protest* here she is *shows them*"

"Hmmm, what else do you know about her?" Eirene asked

"She's not anon but very mysterious, she calls herself a misfit. It was hard to get anything out of her but she at least gave me the code name Justice. She said I would regularly see her at the protest but I wouldn't know it is her which makes me think she was just testing how a protest would be today and tomorrow she'll have more protective gear"

"Well if any of us see her tomorrow we will see what we can find out or if we can use her in any helpful way but you have to keep your head in the game here. We are fighting for change, you can't let her get you distracted" Ares said

"You're talking like I want to marry her, I just met her"

"And she already got you smiling like the Cheshire cat, we not going to debate about whether you are smitten or not by this woman because you are but if you stay focus I promise you I will find her personally" Rage said

"Fine, but she seems a lot like us so she's not going to give you any information"

A/N: In the upcoming chapter you will give your real code name and Justice will not be mentioned anymore, so Justice=Chaos. Will Spec Ops see Justice tomorrow? How will the protest turn out? Masks, masks, and more masks, will we ever see someone's face? You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out. Thanks for reading and please vote and add this story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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