Chapter 8

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Spec Ops POV

"What you mean?"

"I can't put my finger on it" Eirene says

"What you and Chaos end up doing?" Rage ask

I explained to them her plans and her buildings and how she is determined to help our people.

"Without the Stonewall riot, there wouldn't be a pride month or parade so I see the seriousness of it. As an ally, if she feels we might have to burn the world down...I'm on board" Eirene said

"And a lot of who I am is inspired by black culture, so I'm more than willing to fight until the end" Ares says

"Giving the cops a taste of their own medicine is my specialty, I'll be right by her side. Do you think she'll let us see the buildings?" Rage ask

"Of course, we have to figure out a way to get protesters who don't have the proper gear inside to make  their signs and things they need"

"We probably can get the word out about these buildings through a video message, how do they get in?" Eirene ask

"There's scanners that identify the person and as long as nothing suspicious comes up they should be able to come inside, it also alerts her someone wants to enter so she has access to let them in"

"If cops and racists start dropping dead like black people have been killed unjustly, they will have to figure out something and work towards rights for all if they want it to stop" Ares says

"Exactly, it's drastic but if it comes down to that *shrugs*"

"Well, I'm a go write out what to say for our video message about the buildings *gets up and heads to the basement*" Eirene says

"I'll help *follows*" Rage says

Ares waits until they are gone and then stares at me until I say something.


"*raises eyebrow*"

"What did I do Ares?"

"You tell me, want to explain what you left out?"

"What do you mean"

"Well for starters, your lips are swollen slightly"

"Are they?"

"And your hair was in a somewhat together ponytail, now its down and slightly disheveled"


"And your jacket smells strongly of vanilla and cinnamon, we're brothers so you know you can tell me right?"

"We just hung out"

"Did you sleep with Chaos?"

"No! I don't even know what her face really looks like, let alone her body"

"Then what happened, don't make me get Rage to come up after the video"

"Ok ok ok, I kissed her...and she kissed back...and then it got really intense but I stopped her before it could go too far"

"Now was that so hard?"

"She's dangerous, she keeps me on edge and she keeps getting information about myself out of me yet I still know very little about her"

"So how was she? You don't just randomly kiss girls so she must be more special than I thought"

"She's innocent but not, like she never had her first anything yet but she's really good at getting under my skin and teasing me. She learns fast too, kissing her was almost intoxicating. That's why I had to stop her, I could feel me wanting to escalate things and I wouldn't have been able to stop"

"Woah, where did this happen?"

"In the front seat of my truck, she went to push me back in my seat so she could straddle me and that's when I stopped her. I think she was embarrassed because I don't think she really realized what she was doing. I told her she did nothing wrong so she wouldn't feel like she did since I stopped her"

"You messed up bro"


"Do you know how strong the sexual tension is going to be between you two? That borderline might throw off the group dynamic"

"You have to hear her talk about her buildings and getting rights for us, nothing will break her focus on you think there will be tension between us for real?"

"I've never heard you talk about a girl like this before, besides you say she likes to tease you"

"She knows...she found out one of my kinks"

"What is it?"

"Being called sir, it's a power control thing"

"And that's easy to tease you with and no one would think much of it, that's better than most people's daddy kink"

"Some things I think she does on purpose to get a reaction but somethings I don't think she realizes has the effect it does, her innocence is so beautiful to me. I could ultimately be her first everything if things work out"

"That's a lot of work and responsibility, are you up for that"

"I don't think it is up to me anymore, everything in me wants her. My mind, my heart, my soul, my body...everything craves...her"

"Well we got to get her for you then...I'm not sure how but we will"

"She gave me her number, should I call her? We have a lot of planning for tomorrow, so I won't be able to say good night later"

"Damn, she already has you ready with the good night phone calls. I'm staying away from her then, too young to be this sprung *heads downstairs*"

"Whatever *facetime calls*"


"Even on facetime I can't see your face?"

"I'm showing my hair now, so progress"

"I just called because I didn't think I would have time to call later tonight, we have a lot to work on in prep for tomorrow"

"Awee how sweet, thank you. I had a really nice time with you today"

"I did too, we have to go on a date sometime. Unrelated to work"

"I would love that"

"Well...good night Chaos"

"Good night sir, make sure to dream about me *giggles*"

"I'll one day learn your kink"

"Can't wait"

~2 weeks later~

A/N: Hello, sorry for the mini hiatus. I will try to do better if anyone is still reading this story. Thanks in advance for reading my story, I really appreciate it. Please vote, comment, and/or add this story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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