Chapter 17

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Warning: Mature scene continued

Spec Ops POV

I think I'm in love, like deadass. As I'm coming down from my high she's just staring at me as if she's conflicted about something. Then she gets up and grabs her phone to take a picture of me saying she loves how I look after being pleasured. She sets it as her wallpaper which I need to make sure no one ever sees then puts it away. Then she gets a vibrator, a couple of towels, and sets herself up in front of me giving me the perfect view of her. She's gonna tease me again to rile me up and this time she won't finish what she started. I tell her not to do it and she just blows a kiss at me as she takes off her soaked panties and lays down. She gets two of her fingers wet with her own juices and then she inserts them into her. I should look away but I can't, her breathing starts to pick up and she adds a third finger. At this point, she's moaning my name as she fingers herself faster. I'm back to trying to break out of these cuffs because damn the things I want to do to her are endless. She removes her fingers and turns on her vibrator teasing it between her lips and then turns it on at least half-speed entering it inside of her. Pumping it in and out with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other she deeply arches her back cursing and moaning my name and all the nasty things she wants me to do to her. She asks me for permission to cum and I give her that. She doesn't stop after that though, she turns it up a couple more notches almost riding it and grips the towels as her body begins to shake causing her an intense orgasm. At this point, I'm hard as a rock and about to break this got damn chair but I was sure she would be done right? WRONG! She turns her vibrator up to the max setting and pumps it in and out of her as she's cursing and pulling her hair becoming a sexy disheveled mess before me. Moaning my name and arching her back as deep as she could she take the vibrator out and rubs her clit fast as she squirts all over the towels. Her legs are shaking and her breathing is uneven as I watch her come down from her high. I looked down to see I came all over my sweats at some point during her little show.

"*sits and looks at me* Enjoy the show?

"You got to let me out at some point baby girl"

"After I take a shower, you should be done calmed down by then"


"See ya soon, *carefully gets up, get my things ready and go shower*"

Chaos POV

So I take a little longer in the shower than normal to make sure I'm extra clean but also make Spec Ops wait. I dry my body off and come out in a towel slowly putting on my boxers and a long shirt before cleaning up and freshening my room. I guess I should let him out of his cuffs now huh?

"I just took my night shower so don't try anything funny *uncuffs him and puts cuffs away* good thing they brought you spare clothes *lays on my bed*"

"You gonna pay for that *rubs his wrist*"

"You shouldn't have started it, you should get cleaned up *giggles* you made a little mess on yourself their buddy"

He mumbles under his breath and goes to take a shower. I played on my phone until he came back and just stared at me. He's so perfect, damn I love this man.

Spec Ops POV

"What you smiling so hard for? *lays down next to her*"


"*checks phone* What the hell is wrong with him?"


"Rage, he cursing me out and I don't even know what for"

"*laughs* check the audio you sent him but use your earbuds"

I look at her confused and scroll up to see there is an audio message sent from my phone. I plug and my earbuds to hear her recorded moans from earlier. I take out one bud and looked at her smiling.

"If you're going to threaten to traumatize someone to prove a point, it should be on their terms. Now tell him whatever you want about who it is and what happened but there you go"

I kiss her and then text Rage pretty much saying she's mine and he better back off and turn my phone off for the night. I then get on top of her kissing all over her face as she squirms and laughs.

"Stoooooop *laughs*"

"*looks into her eyes* I love you"

"*smiles big* I love you too *hugs me*"

"Sooooooooooo...will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, in my mind, we've been steady for about three months"

"*laughs and gets off of her*"

"Can I be the big spoon? Guys normally complain about never being the little spoon"

"You can try, good night beautiful"

"*gets behind him and holds him against me* good night handsome"

~Next Day~

So we wake up, get cleaned up, and get dressed to go back to the main house. We get there and get comfortable talking to Eirene and Ares when Rage walks down and from the smile on his face I can tell he's about to start some trouble.

"You didn't even try to hide your hickeys, let me ask you Chaos did he give you these before or after he told you about his baby?"

"RAGE!!!" Eirene screams

"Were you informed about the mother being under the impression they would work things out and be a happy family before or after he made you cum"

"Rage, that's enough" Ares stated irritated and holding Spec Ops back"


A/N: Don't you love a good plot twist? What's this kid thing about? How will you react? Will Spec Ops and Rage actually fight? Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and add this story to your reading list to stay up to date when new chapters come out. Until next time XOXO

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