Chapter 11

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Spec Ops POV ~next morning~

So I wake up kind of early for some reason and I head downstairs to see Eirene making a smoothie.

"Good morning Eirene"

"Good morning, you're up early"

"Yeah, not sure why actually. It's weird"

"Could this have anything to do with Chaos?"

"*smiles* maybe? I would rather her just be in my dreams though because I'm really tired *steals her smoothie* this is good"

"HEY!!! *flicks my forehead and gets to making a new one*"

"Owww, can you do a favor for me?"

"No dork, you just took my smoothie *starts blender*"



"I want to plan a perfect date for Chaos so I can officially ask her to be my girlfriend but she is very protective of all things about her. Do you think you two can have a girl's day and you find out things about her? It would be a nice chance for you two to bond"

"What makes you think I can get anything out of her?"

"You're a girl, girls can relate to other girls...please I really want this to be special"

"Fine *stops blender and pours up smoothie*"

"Thank you *hugs her and kisses her forehead*"

"Good morn-*stops, looking at us both* sorry" Chaos runs back upstairs and goes to her room

"Wait!! *looks at Eirene* this probably didn't look too good, but she knows you're a lesbian right?"

"She knows I have a girlfriend, she could think I'm might want to go talk to her. If I know anything about women, it's that our minds will draw the worst conclusions and most of the time we're right but when we're's hard to convince us that we're wrong"

"Fuck *runs upstairs*"

I knock on her door gently but loud enough for her to hear me but no answer. I go to open her door but it is locked. I put my ear to the door and it sounds like I hear water which means she is in the shower. I knock and go to Ares's room and he lets me in, confused as to why I look frantic. I explain what happened or tried to and he shakes his head.

"Maybe that's why she asked to hang out today"

"You guys are hanging out"

"Yeah, she said she wanted to get to know more about me and my girlfriend overall. At least we know she's not spiteful"

"What you mean?"

"She could have easily gone to Rage's room and asked to hang with him and since they're similar he would have gotten out of her what was wrong. At that point, he would have tried to make you look bad and used her emotions against her. Her not going to Rage was logical and shows no matter how she may feel now she still feels something for you"

"He definitely would have worked this situation to his advantage. Can you not go out with her today?"

"If she feels pushed away by me and you and she has ill feelings towards Eirene, then there is no one left but Rage"

"*knocks on Ares door and peeps around me* Knock knock, just letting you know I'm ready whenever you are. I'll be in my room *goes back to my room*"

"You have until I get ready to try and fix this, I'll try to also fix things for you as well when we go out"

So I go to head back to her room and my heart is pounding, don't tell me I lost her before I even had her. She looked pretty and innocent, she's wearing white overall shorts with a red undershirt and red chucks with her hair down with a red flower clip in it. Her shoes were outside her door now, I knock with no response. I take my luck and open her door to see her scrolling on her phone looking at TikTok it sounds like.

"Good morning Chaos"

"Hello *still scrolling*"

"Eirene and I-"

"You don't have to explain, we're not together so it isn't needed"

"But Chaos"

"Why are you still here?"

"She only likes girls"

"Your point is what?"

"It's not what it looked like"

"Okay *commenting on something*"

"Can you at least look at me?"

"*tosses phone and looks up* happy?"

"You look beautiful"

"Thanks, is that all?"


"*knocks* I'm ready" Ares heads downstairs

"Coming *goes past me, moving out the way when I try to touch her, puts on shoes and heads downstairs with me following not far behind her*"

"Where are you two going?" Eirene asks

"Chaos idea *heads out the door*" Ares says

"Out *leaves without looking at either of us*

"*looks over at me* guessing talking to her didn't go too well?"

"Being with her is going to be a lot more work than I thought, I knew from how stubborn she was about showing her identity that it would be hard but I didn't think this hard"

"Is it worth it?"

A/N: What does Eirene mean? Will Spec Ops catch up to Chaos or is it too late? Find out next chapter. Thanks for reading my story, I truly appreciate it. Please add my story to your library, comment, and/or vote. Until next time, XOXO.

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