Chapter 4

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Chaos POV

"I am whoever you think I am"

"You're pretty badass, it was kind of fun hitting cops with balloons" another said

"*laughs* Thanks, you're not too bad yourself..."

"Rage, call me Rage" he said

"The name is very fitting, nice to meet you Rage"

"For someone short, you got quite a bit of spunk" Spec Ops said

"The only difference between us is height and that can be changed with a baseball bat to the knee cap, don't underestimate me"

"Woah, no need for violence. I meant nothing by my comment" Spec Ops said

"Are you anonymous too?" the last one said

"Cool, you have a woman on your side and no I am not anon"

"Are you a woman or a man, we can't tell with your voice changer?" Rage asked

"That's the point, it makes it harder for you to identify my voice in a database seeing that I am using a voice changer *looks over at Spec Ops* what's on your mind giant, you been staring at me for a while now"

Spec Ops POV

Woah, I don't know who this person is but they kicked ass today. They are small but aggressive, kind of remind me of Rage. That's probably why they worked well together during the protest. As the protest started fizzling out I decided to follow the stranger and see how I could help them. They give orders and get things done, I still have no idea how they knew someone who could get prison buses but were nurses. She explained to the victims why they would be going in these buses and made sure they all felt safe and although their voice is deep because of the voice changer I can tell that they are a caring and nurturing person. I was glad when we all kind of boxed the stranger in because I want to know who this person is, I know I originally was looking for the girl from yesterday but I didn't see her and this stranger has caught my interest. As suspected they aren't budging with much information but they were smooth enough to get Rage name without really asking for it. They might be a lot smarter and dangerous than we think and yet I need to know more. I guess I was daydreaming too long because I get called out.

"Huh, I'm sorry"

"Want a picture tall-e? It'll last longer"

"I'd rather get your name, or at least how you identify"

"Weren't you just trying to talk to a woman yesterday? And now you're interested in me?"

"*looks at shorty* How did you know that?" Rage asked

"I was there yesterday and I saw it"

"Are you the girl that asked my name?"

"Absolutely not, I would never put your life in jeopardy by asking any personal information"

"Can you tell me if she was there tonight?"

"She was, now if you all excuse me from your 21 questions I need to figure out how to get home, this protest lead farther out than I expected"

"Wait, you can stay with us...if you tell us a little bit more about yourself" Rage suggested

"I can't, I have no clothes"

"If you have your keys one of us can bring you some clothes" I suggested

"I don't even know all of your names, staying with strangers isn't exactly safe"

"I'm Ares"

"And I'm Eirene"

"Y'all really give up information fast, I know all of your names, the sound of voices, and some identifying features, and yall know what about me?"

"You won't tell anyone who we are, you want justice just as much as we do. Besides we could always handcuff you in our basement and blindfold you so you can't see anything" Rage joked

"*walks up to Rage* I thrive on being so-called defenseless, make sure they're both tight or else you'll be forced to play with me *laughs evilly*"

"Rage might have just met his match" Ares said

"Our house is not too far from here, just come with us but you have to tell us something about you" Eirene says

"*thinks about it* guess I have no other choice...I am a woman"

"*puts an arm around her shoulder* since we bonded during the protest can we know your name? Please, I never beg anyone" Rage pleaded

"He really doesn't, this excited child-like side of him is kind of creepy" Ares said

"Chaos, the name is Chaos" she said

"Sweet! Let's go home then Chaos"

"Under one condition...I am going with whoever is going to get my clothes" she explained

"We'll go together but we need to leave now while the coast is clear"

So we do just that. As the other three go to their rooms to shower and change clothes, I grab my keys as Chaos and I head out. When she told me the address it's only 15 minutes away but that would have been far walking and dangerous alone at night. The ride is quiet but not so much awkward, more so me not knowing how to get her to talk since she is secretive like anon. So we arrive and she insists on going in by herself but I do not budge because I know she won't come back out if I don't go with her.  So we go inside and she tells me to make myself comfortable, then brings me a Gatorade and two smores granola bars. She said she noticed I didn't drink or eat anything the entire protest nor the day before and she doesn't want me to pass out, especially in this hot gear. She says she'll announce when she is coming back down so I can put my mask back on and heads upstairs. I can't tell what she is thinking or feeling with this voice changer and stupid mask but I think she cares about me superficially at least. I eat the two bars and chug all my Gatorade, wow I needed that. I look around the house and it looks very simple in design and plan, no pictures or anything hanging around that I can tell about her. I can't get into certain drawers because they are locked, what does she do? Is she a hacker as well? I want to keep looking but I hear her yell she's coming down so I run to sit back on the couch and look natural. She comes down with a  duffle bag and looks at me for a minute before laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You didn't find anything because I have two ways to enter my house, one for strangers that don't need to know anything about me and my normal-looking house. Maybe one day you'll see the real one, let's go"

A/N: Thank you if you are still tuned in and reading this story. I appreciate any and all readers of my story. Please vote, comment, and add my story to your library. Thanks a lot and bye until next time. XOXO

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