Chapter 20

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TW: Blood, violence

Spec Ops POV

Tear gas and rubber bullets flying everywhere, you can barely see because of how much smoke there is. Then we start seeing people drop left and right on both sides, the only difference is everyone on our side has bulletproof vest on under their gear so majority of them will recover since cops only aim to kill so they aim high. On the other side, they are getting hit in the arms and legs with rubber bullets which is taking them down but also not killing them. Then we start noticing cops dropping but blood is coming out, they are getting shot from somewhere in these buildings. This sparks total war where real bullets are being shot, cops are being blown up, some protesters are sneaking up and lighting cops on fire but once the military tank shoots everyone starts to disperse and abort mission. Eirene is in one of the buildings with some of Chaos friends tending to wounded protesters. Ares and I are protecting as many people as we possibly can while also telling them to go home and safer ways to exit without being seen. It seems like everything was going pretty good as far as getting people out safely until I heard Ares scream my name and to watch out. I see bullets coming towards me too fast to react so I brace myself for the hits but end up falling due to being kicked in the back of the leg. Before I can process anything someone jumps in front of me taking the shots, their blood splattering onto me. Ares runs over and grabs them before I can see or process who it is and we rush to our safe building. The last of the protesters were boarding on the prison buses to be taken to the hospital so it was just anon people and this protester. Once we are at least somewhat safe I look over to help the protester when I realize it's Chaos!

"*runs to her side and kneels next to her* Chaos!!!! Can you hear me? Say something, please!!! *starts to tear up and voice crack* Why did you jump in front of me?"

"I know enough to keep her stable while we wait for the prison bus, Eirene take Spec Ops and try to calm him down"

So she brings me to one of the benches and tries to talk to me. I explain how the overall protest went and why it dispersed.

"I hadn't seen Chaos that whole protest, I always look out for her...I should have looked out for her"

"This was one of the biggest protests yet, it was hard for us to see anybody we just had planned ahead of time before going, can you tell me how Chaos got hurt"

"Ares called my name to warn me about bullets coming my way, they were coming too fast so I was bracing for the impact when she kicked me in the back of my leg so I could fall and ran in front of me taking the bullets. She took bullets for me Eirene, I might lose her and it's all my fault *cries in my hands*"

"*hugs me* It's not your fault Spec Ops, you didn't tell her to do that. She did it because she loves you. She probably kicked you so you would be easier for her to protect, being so tall makes you an easier target. She would do it again if she had to, she'll pull through because she is strong. She loves you too much to give up, she'll fight to see you again *rubs my back* the blood seems to be coming from her arm and her face, the shield in her helmet is shattered so some of the glass probably got in her face along with a possible bullet. Facial wounds tend not to be fatal as long as it is not near the skull or brain (don't believe this, this could be false idk)"

"I love her Eirene, I need her here with me...she's the best thing to ever happen to me"

"I know sweetheart, I know. It's interesting her name is Chaos, she seems the exact opposite. If anything she's always in the middle of it *giggles* but no matter what she always comes through and this time is no different"

We hear the prison bus pull up and they bring out a stretcher for us to put Chaos on, and we head to the hospital taking turns driving and switching our clothes so nothing looks suspicious.

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