Chapter 6

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Spec Ops POV

"You really care about people, I can't see your expressions but you sound lighter and happier when talking about protecting others"

"Caring for someone can save lives...anywho, let's head to the next building"

So she tells me how she has cameras set up and how she has things protected. She then goes on to tell me about different organizations she's working with to do the speeches and advocacy work to represent the movements. As we finished stocking the fridges I get a call from Rage, it must be important because he normally wouldn't bug me if I'm out with someone. I answer and he tells me that a lot of cops are suddenly sick and a few have died, so far all of them seem to be cops that were at the protest yesterday. I told him we would be home within a couple of hours to talk and brainstorm what might be happening. I go to tell Chaos and she just starts laughing which I feel is not something she would normally do. She then stops and turns towards me with what I am assuming is a serious look.

"We will have a right to live, even if we have to light the world on fire taking out the poison and start over...we will have a right to live. Our lives will matter, soon all lives will matter whether it is done the easy way over several years of reform or we burn it down to the ground and start from scratch. I will live without fear because of my skin"

"Did you do this? Did you have something to do with these cops getting sick?"

"Yes and no, I and rage protected a lot of people by hitting and throwing all the tear gas back at the same cops who sent it to us. With so much exposure it will have a negative impact on someone. If I am able to keep people protected enough that anything was thrown at them will deflect off the gear and return to the sender than ultimately they caused it on themselves. If an officer tries to break into one of my warehouses and ends up with something on his clothes that sinks through them, into the skin eating them from the inside out then that sounds like you shouldn't have been trespassing don't you think?"

"Sounds logical, remind me to never get on your bad side"

"As long as you are fair my giant, you have nothing to worry about"

"Is that my pet name?"

"We would have to be dating for me to give you a pet name, I call you giant because you are tall as a tree"

"Do you like trees?

"Yeah, they protect you in some ways. In others they seem nice to climb, I'm no good at climbing trees. They are beautiful when they bloom and it's cool how they lose all their leaves and still can bounce back and grow the next year"

"What would you say if I wanted to expose part of my face to you?"


"Because I have this weird feeling when it comes to you that I can't shake and I just want to learn more and more but I know I can't do that until you are comfortable with me"

"You can do better, you deserve better. I won't waste your time"

"What do you mean? You might find me attractive and be interested in me"

"That's not it, I can care less about what you look like. You as a person already is pulling at my emotions but I-"

"What do you have to be afraid of?"

"​You found me intriguing and you have found an interest in me. You have already created an image of what you think I look like in your mind and if I can not fulfill that image you could do a few things, you could continue talking to me out of pity or fright that I'll expose your identity or you can ghost me altogether. Revealing my voice most likely shattered how you picture me sounding but wasn't enough to disgust you. Once ​I​ reveal​ ​​myself the chase is over, the image is changed, and the ending can take a huge left turn. I genuinely enjoy knowing you and becoming closer to you so I don't think I'm ready to shatter that dream yet, I don't think I'm ready to lose you yet"

Who hurt her? Who made her so scared to give someone a chance? Who made her feel that she was not enough and would never be enough? She starts heading back to the truck and hops in before I can say anything...if she thinks I am starting this truck she is crazy? So we get in I lock the doors and we sit there, I wait for her to look my way but she refuses. I turn her head to look at me and I just stare at her. Even if all of this gear wasn't covering her I would still have so much I would have to break through to get to know her. I feel like she's worth it though, nothing worth having is easy, right?

"Which asshole broke your heart?"

"I have never had my first anything sir, close...found a guy that meant the world to me and let his friends get in the way of us even starting our fairy tale. It's like I got all of the negative effects of a relationship with none of the benefits *shrugs and hold my wrists rubbing her thumb over my hands*"

"Not even your first kiss?"


"*takes her hands and use them to take off my glasses* Do you trust me?"

"*gets lost in my eyes* you're so beautiful, I don't need to see you to know that"

"*puts them back on and leans close to her face* do you trust me?"

A/N: Do you trust him? Are you gonna kiss? It seems like you two are at least getting closer but you want to protect yourself from hurt. Will he be able to break through those walls you have built up? Thanks for continuing to read my story, I really appreciate it. Please read, comment, and add story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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