Chapter 7

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Spec Ops POV

"y-yes, I trust you"

"Close your eyes for me, I can't see them through these glasses so I'm trusting that you will listen to me"

"*closes eyes* okay"

I slowly reached for her face mask and took it off revealing the bottom half of her face. I felt her tense up but I reassured her that everything would be okay. She has big plump lips that I can tell I'm going to become addicted to in the future. I take off my mask and slowly lean in to kiss her, again she tenses up so I peck her lips a few times and then slowly start to deepen the kiss. She starts to mimick my movements and pulls on my jacket. I run my fingers through her hair knocking her hat off while biting her bottom lip for entrance. She shockingly parts her lips slightly and we start making out. For someone who has never had her first kiss, she learns pretty fast. Our breathing starts to pick up so I pull away slowly but she naturally follows my lips as if she can't get enough. She goes to push me back following me so she will be straddling my lap and that's when I realize I need to stop her.

It's not that I don't want this but I think she's in this trance where she's not realizing how fast this can escalate and the last thing I want her to do is to go past her boundaries and regret this

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It's not that I don't want this but I think she's in this trance where she's not realizing how fast this can escalate and the last thing I want her to do is to go past her boundaries and regret this.

"Ch-Chaos we have to stop *pushes her away*"

"*opens eyes processing what happened and quickly moves back to her seat* I'm sorry *puts hat and face mask back on and looks out the window*"

"No no no, it's just I don't want you to do anything you might regret later. I'm happy to know you feel something for me even if you won't admit it"

"You'll regret doing that giant"

"Why? I enjoyed it myself *smiles and drives off*"

"Because you didn't learn more about me first. I like being a tease and I feel pushing you to your breaking point might be fun"

"Careful, you might push too far...I already had you in a trance where you would have probably done whatever I wanted

"Now I know what I'm up against, I would be able to hold out longer than you because of my inexperience. You, sir *rubs my hand up his thigh* have needs at the end of the day"

"*readjust* Don't call me sir, and move your hand"

"*moves hand* Why can't I call you sir? *looks at him*"

"*swallows hard* j-just don't alright"

"*giggles* do you have a sir kink? Daddy is too overused but sir makes you feel just enough power and control to go with your persona as anon. Just enough to boost your ego as someone looks up to you to protect them. I think I just found your new pet name as you call it"

"*pulls up to a red light and stop* my fingers do wonders and unless you want to lose your voice from screaming in pleasure I suggest you cut it out. there's nowhere for you to run in this truck"

"I'll stop for now, where are we going anyway?"

"Food, *drives a little more and parks*"

~Inside after ordering~

"Sir, I have a question"

"*lowers voice staring at her* Chaos I will literally fuck you in front of everyone in this diner, stop playing with me"

"Okay okay I'll stop, I see the kiss still got your hormones a little high. I do have a question though"


"Your lips are a little swollen and I assume you don't wear protective gear in front of the others so how are you going to explain that"

"We're protectors first so I'll switch to the conversation of what your twin (Rage) called me for and it'll be forgotten about"

So we get our food and talk about random things and although she has seemed to figure out my sir kink and how to get a reaction out of me I have yet to figure out much about her. She insists I take her home afterward so she can work on some things and she'll see me at the next protest but I am trying to change her mind. I like talking and being around her but surely I can't hold her captive in our house forever. She's always covering some part of her face so I can't fully put together what she looks like but I'll see her soon and then I'll show her none of that matters because I just want her. She gives me her phone number so I can still talk to her which is a start. We finish our food with her not teasing me much more, I reluctantly dropped her off at her house and then I head home. I walk in the house to see Rage hyper and running towards me.

"All the cops I told you about earlier? They're dead. The media is freaking out right now."

"Why? *takes off my mask and glasses* It's not like they were shot or lit on fire"

"That's just it, there's no explanation for why they all died so quickly." Ares stated

"Chaos thinks it's the abundance of tear gas they inhaled, Rage and her did throw a lot of it back minimizing the protesters needed medical assistance"

"That could be look different" Eirene says

A/N: Still here after all the hype has gone down? Thank you, I truly appreciate every read, vote, and person who adds this story to their library. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and until next time XOXO

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