Chapter 12

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Spec Ops POV


"Being with her, is it worth it? Is it worth frequently having to reassure her that you have feelings for her and only her? Is it worth knowing that you can not make a mistake in this relationship because if you do it will take forever to get her to forgive you and she might never fully forgive you? Is it worth knowing that she will compare her relationship with every female friend you have? Is it worth it knowing that she may never feel like she is enough for you so she will try changing into anything that catches your eye that another female has? Is it worth it that she may never feel good enough and therefore at any point will leave you breaking her own heart just to give you the opportunity to find someone that is "good enough for you"? She doesn't come off like someone who will argue through things and fight it out with you, she seems like the type to keep everything inside and let it eat at her until she can blame herself for everything and leave. Those girls would be perfect wives if the right person comes around and is willing to be patient and help them learn to love themselves. They spend a lot of time, energy, and effort loving the wrong people so when the right one comes around...they have everything they could possibly need." Eirene explains

"You sound like you talk from experience"

"I do, I know a girl once like her"


"My current girlfriend, I thought things were going to be so easy getting her. We both were feeling each other so things should have been smooth right? They were everything but, I got annoyed easily and I would yell and she would just let me. I would try to make her jealous and she would just take it. I broke up with her thinking she would chase after me and she just kept living life like I never existed. It pissed me off so I pulled her to the side and went off on her for like 20 minutes and she just looked at me. I asked why she let me treat her like this and leave without fighting for me and if she even cared. She told me she was used to the yelling, the disappointing someone who cared about her, the mean names and that was normal for her. She said she was used to not being good enough and people caring until they felt they deserved better. She was used to them leaving for better and she believed they deserved better so she let them go. She cared enough to use her damage as a mirror to show others that they deserve better so they would leave. I was appalled, I just broke down crying and hugging her. I kept saying sorry and she comforted me like I was the one who said all those bad things about myself. No one should ever think that low of themselves or feel that unworthy of basic love. So from that day forward, I made it my duty to make her see her worth and feel like she meant something. It took a little over a year and sometimes there are spurts of time when she goes back to that way of being but we get through it and I have never been happier."

"How do I get her to forgive me? I tried to explain that it was nothing and told her you don't like guys but she had already shut down"

"How do you feel about PDA?"

"I love it, I am a very touchy-feely person with people I am comfortable with as you may have realized"

"Hug her tight, leave small kisses all over her, protect her. Make her physically feel protected and safe in your arms. Whisper affirming things to her and don't let her go until she hugs back. She will fight you and try to get away but become more affectionate and protective the more she fights until she hugs back. She will most likely hug back crying, comfort her, and let her. At that point her wall is broken, she will try to build the wall back up but always do little things to keep her smiling or make her feel loved or cared for"

"Do you think we would go good together?"

"I two would be amazing together. She's the type to not know how far she has fallen in love until she can no longer control it. Those girls will make you feel like royalty. She won't be first to say I love you though"

"Why not?"

"Those girls don't fall in love often but when they do they fall fast, and the last thing she wants to do is scare you away by saying the L-word too early"

"Fair enough...thanks for the talk"

"No problem, anyone to have you acting like this is worth me helping you out for and don't worry about Rage. Even if things didn't work out she would never work out with him, they're just not compatible *heads upstairs*"

I process everything that she said and I know I need to go get her now. I call Ares to see if he would come back.

"Hey, I know you're hanging with Chaos but I need you to bring her back"

"She's not with me anymore"

"What? What do you mean?"

"She drove me to meet my girlfriend and gave me the keys so I could spend the day with her and then she walked in the opposite direction. I don't know where she went"

"And you let her?!?! *hangs up*"

A/N: Where did Chaos go? Will Spec Ops reach her in time? Have to wait until next week to find out. Thanks to everyone for reading my story so far. Please vote, comment, and add this story to your library. Until next time, XOXO

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