Chapter 3

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Spec Ops POV

"Did you forget my specialty? I am Rage, I am known to get under people's skin and play mind games with them. Stay focus and I got you, trust me"

"Alright, well I guess we should all go home and we'll see each other tomorrow"

Everyone nods and we all head our separate ways. Not sure why you interest me Justice but I'll either get you out of my system or I'll make you mine.

Chaos POV

The protest wasn't as bad today but they still shot rubber bullets and tear-gassed innocent protesters and that just doesn't sit right with me. So tomorrow I gear up fully, luckily the protest is later at night so I'll have time to prepare and do some research on empty locations I can use to store supplies in. Once I know a little bit more about everything I can call in some favors and get the buildings set up that only innocent protesters can enter and intruders will be quickly executed. I then need to get different activists and people with platforms on different social media to talk about creating a new black wall street, invest our money in people who are for us and about us. We will be respected and have basic human rights whether they give it to us or we viciously take it.

~Next Day~

So I got up earlier than usual to make my phone calls and find some things out. So far I have three empty buildings I'll have access to throughout the state so I'll get the keys later tonight. I have a friend who works for homeland security so he's going to install some cameras on each building with audio along with some added tools to ward off police. After talking to him, I called my friend who works at lowe's and paid them to stock each of the buildings with funnels, paint, paintbrushes, wood for sturdier signs, oil, balloons, glitter, first aid kits, bandanas, pens, keyrings, goggles, water, heat resistant gloves and face masks. I also pay her to have her brothers pick up a ton of snacks and different beverages along with a few coolers for each building. They already in contact with the homeland guy so they will be able to get in and set things up. These buildings all have two fridges so I just have to pay to turn the power on so I can stock them with milk when need be. Once finishing those phone calls I make a list to look into all cops that have some type of history using excessive force as well as find out information about anyone who poses as a threat to us and our movement. We have been treated as inferior for years, it's time to give those same people a taste of their own medicine. I did my little bathroom routine while blasting Tokyo's revenge and Scarlxrd and ate something light before getting dressed in this and I headed to the protest. (instead of a gun you have a baseball bat because let's not get shot before we even have a chance)

 (instead of a gun you have a baseball bat because let's not get shot before we even have a chance)

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~At the protest~

I'm kind of mixing in with the crowd due to being only 5'5 but people are moving out of my way once they notice me which is kind of helpful, my main goal is to protect as many people as possible and I plan to do just that. I make my way to the front and watch as black children are kneeling in a line chanting "Take it to the streets, Defund the police, No justice, No peace". When the police started throwing tear gas, I start hitting the ones I could reach back which shocked some of the police and as it's getting cloudy I get some of the paint-filled balloons and gave them to protesters and told them if they have a good throwing arm to aim at the shields and if not find someone who does and give it to them to throw. As most of the police are getting blinded by the paint they have to take their shields off which is when I start picking up tear gas and throwing it back. While their medical team is working to rinse their eyes I see two anonymous people helping hurt victims, one throwing back tear gas and paint balloons with me, and Spec Ops taunting and intimidating the other cops so they won't intervene. As this is getting chaotic we see the national guard showing up so I run to a protester with a beats speaker and a megaphone and tell them to play the national anthem on repeat when they see the national guard ready to attack. They agreed and I gave them a face mask to protect their identity in case there are pictures taken of them. After this, I go slash the tires on a police vehicle that is running over protesters, and with the help of one of anonymous, we flip the vehicle with the officers upside down and hit it with tear gas. We start seeing looting happening so that's when everyone starts to disperse and head home because shooting normally follows that. I helped get any victims I could find including the ones the other two anonymous people had to a safe abandon building to help clear their eyes, that's when Spec Ops walked up and asked if I needed help. I told him I had a few nurses/doctors as friends who could get the ones in bad shape to a hospital but I needed him to continue rinsing their eyes while I call. He nodded and got to work while I called them, they said they would come in a "prison bus" so they would easily be let in but take them to the hospital to get help. Don't ask how they have access to prison buses, they just do. So I go back to rinsing the victims' eyes, cleaning wounds, and making makeshift tourniquets until professionals can do a better job. Within the next hour, all the protesters are gone and I sit for a minute tired but really thinking of the best way for me to get home. As I get up to leave I notice I am surrounded by anonymous.

"Who are you?" one of them ask

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