Chapter 13

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Chaos POV

After I dropped Ares off at his girlfriend's house and left him the keys I walked to the lake taking my shoes and socks off sitting on my jacket right where the waves will only come up to my calves. I listen to the waves as they talk to me, they always know what to say to me. I am an idiot, did I really fall for a man behind a motorcycle looking helmet it protective gear? Did I really think I had a chance with someone like him? Did I fall for his smooth-talking ways? I did, like a lost puppy and now I look like a clown. I should have just ignored them when they kept trying to talk to me and get to know me. I should have taken my chances of going home in the middle of the night. That's fine, I will remember and cherish the good memories and move forward. I meditate for 20 minutes to clear my head, with the smell of saltwater and the sound of birds chirping I soon feel a lot more at ease. I stand up putting my headphones on playing If the world was ending by JP Saxe and walk along the edge of the water with my shoes in hand and my jacket around my waist. As I am walking and singing I suddenly feel someone grab my wrist, I should be scared but I guess my fight or flight isn't working. I turn around to see Spec Ops, I try to gently remove my wrist from his grasp but he doesn't let go. If anything his grip became tighter, he takes my headphones off with one hand moving them around my neck and looks at me. As I look at him I have flashbacks of him with Eirene and I start to panic trying to yank my arm away and get out of his grasp. As I am yelling for him to let go of me and trying to get away he notices my breathing is very sporadic and he looks concerned but he is causing this.

"*moves hands up to hold arms instead of wrist* Chaos look at me, I need you to breathe just look at me"

"*looking all around and still trying to get out of his grasp* Let...go!!! You...caused this. *punches him in the chest crying which is making my breathing worse* just...leave me alone..."

"Chaos, please you're going to pass out at this rate"

"Go...back to...Eirene, go...back to...Ares, go...back to...Rage *drops hands too weak to punch him anymore*"

"*pulls me into a hug with his head on mine rubbing my back*Breathe into my shirt to slow your breathing, cup it around your face like a bag. *makes mental note of my asthma* I'm not leaving without you. I need you and deep down you know that. I'm sorry for what you saw but it really wasn't what it looked like. I was asking Eirene a favor and you came in when I was thanking her for agreeing, it meant nothing. She only likes girls, if anything she would be my competition, not yours. I really do care about you Chaos and I will do whatever it is in my power to prove that to you"

"Take me...home *passes out in his arms*"

Spec Ops POV

I catch her before she drops and I put her in Ares's car and then go back to get her things she drops and drives her back to her house. I get her keys out her shorts pocket and open the door first before bringing her inside and taking her up to her room to lay her on the bed. I come back downstairs to look around the house that looks completely different than last time,it's beautiful. Filled with art but not much with family which makes sense, she's been alone since she was 15. She was adorable as a kid and just blossomed, after I finished observing her house I went upstairs to see her still sleep. She looks in pain and uncomfortable, I go to change her clothes with an occasional stir here and there and then I take off my shirt and socks and hold her while laying in bed. I notice her body slowly relaxes into me as I kiss up her arms and her temple. I soon fall asleep with her, knowing that I have my work cut out for me but she is worth it all.

~Later at night~

A/N: Can spec ops get through to her? Find out next chapter. Thanks for reading my story, I truly appreciate it. Please add my story to your library, comment, and/or vote. Until next time, XOXO.

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