CHAPTER 1: Bad Vibe

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Cicilia's POV:

Life is never certain, one moment everything seems perfect and the next moment everything turns into a disaster.
Sorry, I didn't want to start with something philosophical, but you know sometimes these thoughts suddenly appear out of nowhere.

I am really happy today because I was to be told today whether I got my job at the publishing firm or not and somewhere I had a really good feeling that I will.
I don't know why but I always get a good or a bad vibe about a thing and if I feel bad about it then I never do it because my feelings are always true.
I don't know whether it happens with everyone or it is just me.

Anyway, I woke up early feeling happy as I skipped downstairs to have breakfast.
On my way, I met Eugene, my elder brother busily talking over his phone as he walked out of the house for his job. He is three years older than me and is an engineer, he got his job few months back and is really happy with it.

Walking into the dining room, I greeted my parents as they sat around the table having their breakfast.

"You seem to be really happy today, aren't you?", my dad said as I sat down beside him to have my breakfast.

"Of course, I am happy because I am going to get a job really soon and I won't have to trouble you for buying me things", I told him with a sense of satisfaction.

"Very well, but you know that your salary might not be that much", mom interrupted.

"Yeah, I know but I am not going to buy a house or a car, I don't need all those but the basic things, I can finally afford them."

"For now I am under your shelter", I added after a second.

After getting a nod from my parents I resumed eating in silence.

My job, I will just have to review the stories and articles but I like reading books so I am going to enjoy it.

As I thought, later in the afternoon I got a call from the publishing firm and guess what, I got the job!

I danced and jumped around the whole house telling my parents about it, they looked happy too.

I waited for Eugene to come home because I wanted to tell him too. He has always been a strict brother, but we do get along sometime.

In the meantime, I decided to celebrate it, not with my family but alone. Well, I don't have friends, I had a best friend but then our friendship didn't end well due to some misunderstanding and I didn't make anymore friends.

When Eugene came back in the evening I happily told him about it and my plan to celebrate but he insisted on coming with me but I refused telling him that I had grown up and wanted to celebrate it alone.

In the end I was allowed to go where ever I wanted and I decided to go to a club, but a part of told me not to, I didn't get a good vibe with that idea, instead it was a weird one and for once I decided to ignore it.

As I entered the club, there was loud music, people were dancing like crazy and they were all drunk.

I quietly made my way to the bar and ordered some whiskey. And after having two shots of it, I noticed a man sitting on the stool nearby and he was looking at me weirdly. He was really handsome and looked hot, but I was not here to drool at him so, ignoring him went on to have some more whiskey after which I made my way to the dance floor.

I was about to dance when I noticed that same man making his way towards me and once he was in front of me he said in a drunken tone, "Hi."

"Hi", I managed to reply because I was too busy looking at his muscles in his arm as he wore a half sleeves, light blue T-shirt and black jeans.

"What's your name, beautiful?", he asked making me blush.

"Cicilia Holland", I stretched my arms out for a handshake, "And yours?"

Shaking my hand he said, "Sebastian Arnold." His name sounds familiar.

"Nice name", I commented at which he just smiled.

"Sebastian!", someone from the crowd shouted and he said, "See you later." And he walked away.

My night was good so far, why was I having a bad feeling?

I danced with some random guy and when my feet started to pain I sat on the stool to rest before heading back home.

After few minutes, I got up and walked out of the club. As I made my way to the parking lot, I felt a pair of hand gripping my waist and I was pushed up against the wall.

I was breathless, and when I looked up I saw Sebastian had me trapped between his arms.

"Hi...again", I said but he did not reply and something about him felt wrong and I scanned the parking lot to see that no one was there.

"Do you want something?", I asked again and yet again got no reply.

He trailed his fingers down my arms as I was wearing a sleeveless red colour dress that was up to my knees.

And his touch didn't feel good at all, and I tried pushing him away but he did not even bulge.

"Help!", I tried calling out but he immediately kept his hand over my mouth to shut me.

"Keep...qui...te", he sounded more drunk than he was before.

I felt the tears forming in my eyes, I was helpless, I couldn't do anything.
There was no one here to help me, I should have brought Eugene with me, what am I gonna do now!

And before I knew it, I was being dragged by him to God knows where and I knew what was coming.

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