CHAPTER 15: Shopping

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Sebastian's POV:

Cicilia, she has been the main occupant of my mind for the past few days. Whatever I do or say, reminds me of her, no matter how much I try not to think of her, I just can't take her out of my mind.

My assistant never took a leave, I was the one to give her a few days leave so that I could take Cicilia along with me because...I wanted to spend some time with her.
And I was surprised that she agreed to my request so easily.

And in the elevator, no matter how much I wanted to close the distance between us and kiss her, I didn't.
And that day, a part of me said that her coldness was assumed, she was just acting, but then again it was just my perspective.

God, why the hell I keep thinking about her?!

Tomorrow is Friday again and I am really excited to meet her...I mean Angela not...her.

There was a knock on my office door and as I said, "Come in", the most unexpected person walked in.

"Now what did I do?", I questioned upon seeing Cicilia in my office along with Angela in her arms.

"Fortunately, you didn't do anything this time", she said rolling her eyes.

"Then?", I said standing up and walking over to her, "as I can see Angela is with you only, she didn't get kidnap this time, so, what else happened?"

"I want you to keep Angela with you for a few hours as I am going to my office for a meeting."

"Look, the mighty have fallen", I stated with smirk.


"You are requesting me and as far as I know, I have always been the one to request you, but the tables have turned this time."

She didn't seem bothered by my words as she had a bored expression on her face, "Who said I was requesting you, I am ordering you Mr.Arnold." The smirk fell from my face.

"Why do you think that I am free enough to babysit her, I am even in my office."

"You are the boss, aren't you? People won't mind if you take her to meetings and all besides she is a very quiet child."

"But that doesn't mean that I won't be coming tomorrow", I said.

"Yeah...yeah,whatever", she said handing me Angela.

"You better take care of her, Seb", she added and the nickname she gave me made me raise my brow at her in question. All my life no one has given me a nickname, not even my own parents or sister.

"Don't be so surprised, your name is too long and I am tired of calling you that."

She then kissed Angela's forehead and gave me a deadly glare which said, 'dare you do anything stupid' and she walked out.

As soon as the door closed, I said to Angela, "Your mom's anger is really scary."

As those words came out of my mouth the door opened again and there stood Cicilia with her arms folded and an angry expression was on her face, she heard me!

"I was saying that you look really...cute while you are angry", I quickly defended myself. And giving me one last glare she finally walked out.

I let out a deep breath in relief as I made my way over to my desk and sat down on my chair making Angela sit on the desk in front of me.

"So, little angel, what do you want to do?", I asked her and she gave me a confused look.

"Of course, you can't understand me. But believe me you will be very beautiful when you will grow up."

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