CHAPTER 7: Hungry

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Cicilia's POV:

After I gave away the rent to Sebastian, I was left with nothing. I had some vegetables and meat that I used over the days but right now I didn't even have anything to eat, thankfully Mrs.Williams gave me milk to feed Angela but I didn't ask her for anything else because she had already done me a lots of favour.
My salary was still two or three days away and I had no idea how I was going to survive till then.

And now I was sitting on the dining table with my head in between my hands and I was hungry like hell! I was regretting my decision.
It was Friday and yet again he would be coming, the weeks were getting over in a blink, the more I didn't want to meet him the more fast the weeks were getting over.

I changed Angela's dress and cleaned her up and as I knew he would be coming soon I placed her on the couch, their usual place where they played.

The doorbell rang and I opened it to reveal, no, not Sebastian, guess who was there to surprise me, James.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him in shock.

"I was passing by so, I just decided to stop by and say hi", he told me looking nervous.

"But it seems that you wanted to say something more than that?"
He chuckled nervously again and rubbed the back of his neck before speaking, "Well...I was thinking that...are this Sunday?"


"I thought that...we can...go out for coffee, you and me."
He was asking me out on a date and if I say no then he will feel bad but...

"But I can't leave Angela alone", I gave an excuse and sadness appeared on his face.

"Can't you just leave her for a few hours with your neighbour, I am sure they won't mind."

"I'll see, if I get time I will text you. You can give me your number", I said that and a small smile appeared on his face as we exchanged numbers.
And saying bye he went away and I realise that my stomach was growling. I was about to close the door when I notice an Aston Martini being parked and it belonged to none other than Sebastian.
As usual he was in his office suit, he comes here directly from the office, doesn't he gets tired? Who cares anyway?

He walked up the stairs and on seeing me he spoke, "Sorry, I am late." I rolled my eyes at him and moved aside to let him in and I noticed a small bag that he had in his hand.

Once inside he handed me the bag and the aroma of whatever that was inside filled my nostrils and I realise that he has bought me food.

I looked up at him in confusion to already see him looking at me.

"According to my calculation, you didn't have enough money to even eat", he explained even before I asked him. Really?! How did he know that?

"Now", he said bringing me out of my thoughts, "take your money back Cicilia because I don't want my daughter to starve to death...nor you."

His last words surprised me, will he really care if something happens to me? Or maybe he is just acting.

He handed me the money that I gave him and I realise that it was more than that.

"You gave me some extra money", I told him as he started moving towards Angela and he stopped and tilted his head a bit saying, "Keep it, Cicilia." It was more like an order and there was no way I was going to obey him.

"Take the extra money back, Mr.Arnold", I called him by his last name purposely and it annoyed him completely.

"Consider it a gift from me."

"I don't need any gifts from you", I stated and he moved towards me and stood face to face with me.

"Either you quit your job and start working for me or quietly accept whatever I give you because your salary is very less and you both can't survive on it and if you work for me then I will give you a good salary."

"I am not going to work for you."

"Then take the money and next time you try to pay the rent then I will forcefully make you work for me", he threatened.

He sat down with Angela and I was about to sit opposite to them but my stomach growled telling me to eat something.
Slowly I made my way to the kitchen and taking a plate I placed the food that he bought on it.

"Did you put poison in it?", I said what was running through my mind and he looked exasperated and rolled his eyes as he said, "Of course, so that after you die I can spend all my time with Angela."

"Why would I try to poison you Cicilia? I am not a murderer", he stated.

"You ruined my life already and killing me shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

He looked away and focused his attention to Angela and I heard him whisper softly, "I would never hurt you."

Ignoring him I quietly sat on the table and started to eat and it was so delicious, he didn't bring the food from some restaurant instead it tasted like a homemade one.

"Did you make it?", I found myself asking him(I am a really curious person).
And he hummed in response. I wasn't going to compliment him no matter how delicious it was.

As I finished eating after five minutes, yeah it took me only five minutes to eat cause I was hungry like hell and as I ate I didn't even raise my eyes once I was too engrosses in eating.
I placed the plate in the sink and I realise that there was silence.

I looked back to see that Sebastian was peacefully sleeping on the couch as Angela also slept while lying on his stomach and Sebastian's arms were tightly wrapped around her.
They both looked so cute while sleeping, wait...did I call him cute? No...Angela was looking cute no him definitely.

I walked over to them and I gently called out so that Angela doesn't wakes up, "Sebastian?"
He was in a very deep sleep and I called him again, "Sebastian?"

"Wake up." Still no response, I slowly extended my hand towards him fearing that he might hurt me and I tapped on his shoulder gently(though one shouldn't wake up people from a deep sleep, sleep is really important).

(A/N: 😂😂 Sleep is really important that's why I sleep till 11-12 in the morning😂😂)

He stirred a little before slowly opening his eyes and he looked confused but when he looked at me and then at Angela who was sleeping on his stomach he realise that he had fallen asleep.
His released his hold on Angela as I picked her up and he got up.

Moving out of the door he said again, "Sorry." He says that every time and for the same reason.

"For how long do you plan on saying that?", I questioned him angrily.

"Unless you forgive me because I don't plan on living with this guilt forever", saying that he left.

I went to the bedroom and placed Angela on the bed(I didn't have enough money to buy a crib).

My mind was filled with thoughts, not about Sebastian but about the date James asked me out on.

Should I go with him?

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