CHAPTER 9: Five more minutes

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Cicilia's POV:

The car ride was silent but as I glanced at him once or twice, he still looked pissed off, like really? I should be the one to be pissed off with him.
I didn't do anything wrong, I just wanted to be happy but no, he had to come.
Whenever I try to run away from him, I just run into him.

The car stopped at a signal and he looked at me but I just turned my head towards the window.

"Sorry for my actions a few hours earlier", he said suddenly but I ignored him.

"I have an urge to protect you Cicilia", he spoke gently, "from everyone."

His words surprised me as I looked at him and he had a sad smile on his face.

"You know what, I should be running away from you, I should be protecting my daughter from you but no, here I am sitting in your car", I snapped.

"Please don't bring Angela in it, as much she is your daughter she is mine too", he said starting the engine as the signal changed to green.

"You don't need to protect me, I am capable of protecting myself and Angela and leaving all this beside, why did you asked James to leave, he is my friend, so, what if he works for you?!"

And yet again an angered expression came over his face as he didn't say anything.

"Is he your enemy or you don't like him?", I asked him again.

Again no answer.

"Are you deaf?!"

"I don't like him", he coldly replied but I knew there was something more than just a dislike for him.

"Then please don't come to crash my date again when I go out with someone else", I lied, I was not going on any date but I wanted his reaction.

"You. Are. Not. Going. On. Any. Date", he said emphasising each word.

"Why? Do you dislike every other man in this world?"

"Just do as I say."

"As I have already told you that you can't order me as if you are my boyfriend. I am 23 and I know how to take care of myself", I defended myself.

"So, you are willing to leave Angela alone with someone and go out on stupid dates?!", he bellowed and that silenced me.

"Try to understand Cicilia", his voice became gentle, "you have a daughter to look after and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Sorry", my voice came out barely as a whisper and I didn't even know why I was apologising, he was surprised to hear me say that but he covered it quickly.

The car stopped at my apartment and as I was about to move out he called out, "Cicilia?"

I turned at him and his eyes had a pleading look in them, "Please, can you give me five more minutes every week to spend with Angela?"

"You know, I realised that ten minutes are really short and I have grown fond of her, I want to spend more time with her, please", he added.

"No", my reply short and cold.

I heard him sigh as I moved out and I shut the door a bit harshly.

I called James the next day but he didn't pick up the call. And after trying to call him several times, he finally picked up.

"James?", I said.

"Yes Cicilia?"

"I wanted to...apologi--"

"You don't need to apologise Cicilia, I can understand that Mr.Arnold has a thing for you."

"What?!", I scoffed, "he doesn't have a thing for me James. He is just crazy and acts like an over protective brother."

"Come on Cicilia, anyone could have seen the jealousy on his face", he tried making me understand.

He continued speaking as I was quiet, "I hope to meet you at the office soon."

I smiled even though he couldn't see me, "Me too, bye."

"Bye, Cicilia."

Sebastian and jealous of me dating James? Could it be possible?
I didn't ponder upon it much.

Sebastian's POV:

Killing James was the first thing that cane to my mind when I saw them together.
And a part of me was jealous and I don't know why? I have never been jealous over anyone.

She knew how to push my buttons and even though it irritates the hell out of me, I love it too. She is the most stubborn person I have ever met.
I loved to argue with her, to taunt her.
And she hate me more than anything else and I will do my best to make it up to her, she doesn't trust me a bit even no matter how much I try to make her understand that I would never hurt her.

And about Angela, I have become so fond of her although I do nothing but sit and watch her play. I just met her a few times but it was enough for me to love her from the bottom of my heart, maybe it has to do something with the father and daughter bond.

Closing the file in front of me I rubbed my temples, I was really tired but the only thing that made excitement run through me was that today was Friday! It became my favourite day of the week.

Walking out of my office, my personal assistant, Jenna wished me flirtatiously, "Good night, Mr. Arnold."

I rolled my eyes before saying, "Night." I was tired of my female staff trying to flirt with me.

Getting into the elevator I reached the parking lot before getting into my favourite Aston Martini and driving out to the road and I drove towards her apartment.

The door opened to reveal Cicilia with an annoyed expression over her face, I have never seen her smile and I wonder how good she would look.

Removing my suit jacket I hung it over the side of the couch before rolling my sleeves up.

I took Angela in my arm and made her sit on my lap with her facing me. I rubbed the tip of my nose against her as I exclaimed,"Hey little angel, dad is here!" And she giggled at my enthusiasm.

"Did you miss me?", I asked her again at which he made some indistinctive voices and it took it as her way of saying yes.
I smiled widely at her and as usual Cicilia was sitting on the opposite couch with her phone and a bored expression on her face.
I kissed Angela's cheeks affectionately.

Ten minutes seemed to pass quickly and as I got up to leave, Cicilia stopped me by saying, "Where are you going?"

"Time is over."

And what she said next shocked me completely, "You have five more minutes."

I was surprised but I didn't waste any time and for the next five minutes I sat with Angela in my arm.

Soon, those five minutes passed quickly too.

I got up to leave as Cicilia followed me to the door and as usual I said, "Sorry." And as usual she kept quiet.

I had to try harder...

This chapter sucks, sorry.

Please, I need help, can anyone give me some ideas for the next chapter. I have a scene in my mind but only writing that would make the chapter really short. So, please can anyone give some ideas, please.

Thanks for reading💖.

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