CHAPTER 12: Caring for her

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Cicilia's POV:

After assuring Sebastian for the millionth time that we both were not hurt in any way, he finally drove us back home.

Taking Angela in my arms, I got out of the car as Sebastian trailed behind me. He walked with me to my door and getting inside I turned to face him.

"You sure you are OK?", he asked for the billionth time and I nodded exasperatedly.

He looked at me for a few more seconds with concern written all over his face. He brushed a strand of hair-- that was hanging out from my loose ponytail--behind my ear.
He then again kissed my forehead for the third time as his lips lingered there for a few seconds.

He then kissed Angela's forehead smiling as she smiled back, she really loves him. And he wrapped his arms around us affectionately saying softly, "I will always protect you both."

Pulling away as usual he said,"Sorry."

And I watched him quietly go back to his car before giving me one more glance.

The next day seemed to be normal, but there was a fear inside me that what if something happens?

The fear started to rise within me when I saw a few scary looking men roaming around the apartment.

I quickly dialed Sebastian's number which he gave me yesterday.

"What happened Cicilia?", he asked quickly picking up the phone on the second ring.

"There are some...weird men lurking around the...apartment...they look scary an--"

"Whoa, calm down darling, I actually sent those men, they are there to protect you both, don't worry", he interrupted.

I felt relieved at his words as I managed to say, "OK."

"Are you both OK?", he asked.

"Yeah, we are fine...thanks."

"Fine, I am in a meeting right now, I will call you later, bye."

"Bye." If he was in a meeting then why did he pick up the call, weird.

(A/N: Cause he cares for you, stupid😑.)

My mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of yesterday, my own family, my own parents that gave birth to me, my own brother whom I grew up playing with was ready to kill me for a stupid reason.
He was almost about to pull the trigger and had it not been for Sebastian, I would have died and my daughter would have even died even before her life could have begun.

I felt so depressed about my life, I thought everything would have got better but no, everything is getting worse, day by day.

I was angry at Sebastian too but seeing that how much Angela loves to be with him and I don't know about myself but I know that he would never hurt Angela. I don't blame him anymore for coming back although I don't think so I would be able to forgive him ever for what he did.

I was tired of all the drama, I can't take it anymore.

The week seemed to pass by in a blur and Sebastian literally called me everyday to ask whether we are fine or not.
One thing I have noticed about him is that he is a man of his words, when he said that he will come here only on Friday then he meets Angela on that day only except for that kidnapping incident although we have met each other once or twice except on Friday but he never meets Angela on any other day, he respects my decision.

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