CHAPTER 16: Date?

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Sebastian's POV:

My dad had requested my presence, so I went to my parent's house on Sunday at around dinner time. The way he asked me to meet him told me that he was not happy. I was not afraid of him but who knows what he wants to talk to me about.

My mom opened the door as I rang the doorbell. She smiled upon seeing me and engulfed me in a hug and I kissed her cheeks pulling apart.

"Where's dad", I asked her.

"He is in the study, he is waiting for you." I nodded my head before going upstairs to his study.

I knocked before going inside, he was sitting on his chair, reading some paper, I went and took a seat in front of him, the huge desk separating us.

"Hey dad", I said as he looked up from the paper.

"Sebastian", he acknowledged me and kept the paper down on the desk.

"How are you?", he added.

"Good as usual, you wanted to talk about something important", I was getting impatient.

"How is your daughter doing, Sebastian?", his question was the last thing I wanted him to ask me, how come he knows about my daughter? And by his face it was evident that he wasn't happy by that fact.

"What are you talking about dad?", I chuckled nervously.

"You know it really well what I am talking about, Sebastian. Your so called daughter that you have been hiding from us for so many months and you can't lie to me because Samuel himself told me."

I was speechless at that time, I didn't know what to say or do.

"Why did you hide it?", he asked.

"Dad I didn't even know that I had a daughter until few months back", I explained.

"Few months back? Who's that girl who didn't tell you that she is pregnant with your child, why did 'she' hide it?"

"That is a complicated story dad, I will explain it later."

"I want you to marry the mother of your daughter", he stated.

"Believe me dad, I asked her for marriage but she refused. She is a very difficult person to convince", I told him rubbing my temples.

"I won't listen to your excuses, I want you to marry her, that's it. I am giving you sometime to convince her and I would like to meet her before that. You can go now." Now you can understand from where I got this controlling attitude of mine.

I quietly got up as I moved out, mom tried to make me stay for dinner but I refused making some excuse.

How will I convince her to marry me, she hates me!

On Friday...

All the way to her apartment, my mind kept wandering off to the conversation I had with my dad. To convince her to marry me is impossible.

After ringing the doorbell the door was opened, not Cicilia but my sister who God knows what she was doing there.

"What are you doing here?"

She stepped aside to let me in and she didn't even answer my question. Cicilia was there on the couch along with Angela.

"So as I was telling Cicilia, I have already made a reservation for both of you in one of your restaurants. So, Cicilia, you better get ready", Amanda spoke and I looked over to Cicilia and she just shrugged.

"What the hell is happening Amanda?", Amanda again ignored me as she said to Cicilia, "You have only fifteen minutes,Cicilia and don't worry I will look after Angela."

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