CHAPTER 14: The Elevator

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Cicilia's POV:

I was healthy again and the whole week I couldn't help but think about the fact that Sebastian wasn't actually guilty. I treated him so badly yet he didn't say anything, God! What I have done!

I wanted to forgive him but a part of me is saying to not rush in it so early. I just wanted to see his behavior and everything after which I am definitely going to forgive him.

Friday was here again as usual and so was Sebastian, he was playing with Angela while I sat and watched them play. He proved to be a very good father, being such a big businessman he took out time for his daughter.After his time was over, while going out he turned to me and said, "Can you do me a favor?"

"No", I said coldly.

"At least listen, my assistant has taken a few days leave and suddenly there is a very very important meeting tomorrow at Adams Incorporation so I need you to come with me tomorrow as my assistant."

"I am sure your HRD can provide you with an temporary assistant besides I can't leave Angela, sorry."

"But I need you...I mean I need you as my assistant for tomorrow, please and I will also pay you for that and as far is Angela concerned, you can leave her with your neighbor, it will only take a few hours", he requested.

"I don't need any money Sebastian", I paused for a moment before saying, "At what time should I be ready? He was really happy at my answer, he even hugged me and told me to be ready by 8 in the morning and he will pick me up.

At last he said, "Sorry", and kissed my forehead. Just like his used to say sorry before going, he now even kisses my forehead.

The next morning I was ready by 7:50 am and Sebastian was at my door at 8 am sharp dressed in his suit, looking handsome as ever...wait, I again called him handsome, what's wrong with me?

He handed me a bag saying that it had everything I needed for the meeting.

As we sat in the car he asked,"Are you fine, any headache or something?"

"No, I am fine", I replied after which he became silent focusing his attention on the road.

"Look", he spoke again,"all you have to do is take note of all the imporant things that happen during the meeting and nothing else." I nodded my head in agreement.

We finally reached our destination and as he got out of the car, I followed behind him. Reaching the conference room on the 50th floor, we settled in our chairs with me sitting beside him.

The meeting went smoothly and I actually got bored but made sure to take note of all the important things.

In between the meeting I could feel someone staring at me intensely and when I lifted my head I saw the person who was sitting opposite to me staring at me and I felt disgusted by his stare, I didn't like it at all.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and Sebastian seemed to notice it, so when he looked at me and then at that man, his palm balled into a fist and he didn't care if he was interrupting the meeting as he growled, "Mr.White, it would be much better if you focus your attention on the meeting rather than on her."

Everyone looked at us in confusion and Mr.White gulped before lowering his head. I don't know why but I felt secure, I lifted my arm slowly before placing it over his fist which calmed him down. Why did I even do that?

The meeting resumed again and that man never lifted his head again.

As the meeting got over, I handed him the notes and we made our way to the elevator. We both were alone in there as he pressed the button to the ground floor.

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