CHAPTER 21: Surprise

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Cicilia POV:

"Ma'am please wake up", a faint voice was constantly speaking while shaking me a little.

I opened my eyes a bit to see a girl older than me with an innocent and a scared face standing there.

"Ma'am Senior Mr and Mrs. Arnold are waiting for you downstairs, please freshen up", she told me.

I fully opened my eyes, where am I?
Oh...wait, I am married, right!?

Ok, I get it. This is Seb's house but why does Mom is here? I mean of course she can come but, to meet me?

I got up slowly as that girl stood there with her head lowered.

"What's your name?", I asked her.

"Abigail, Mrs. Arnold", she said softly.

"Come on, don't call me that. You can call me Cicilia, I am not used to been called like that."

"But, Mr. Arnold will get angry if I call you by your first name", she protested.

"So, you are afraid of him? You know what, unless and until I am here, I won't let him do anything. So, you are calling me Cicilia or else I will get angry."

"As you say, Ci...Cicilia", she bowed her head a little in respect and I nodded before entering the bathroom.

As I finished showering and brushing, I opened the door to see many maids running around the room packing my clothes along with Abigail.

"Abigail?", I called her and hearing me she instantly approached me.

"What is all this?"

"Mrs. Arnold ordered us to pack your bags as you and Junior Mr. Arnold are leaving soon."

"Leaving?! Where?"

"I am sorry but I don't know."

"Ok fine."

I came out of my room and decided to check on Seb, but as I softly knocked on his door and peaked inside, I saw him sleeping soundly so I didn't disturb him and went downstairs.

Mom and Dad were there, sitting on the dining table talking with each other and as they saw me, they stopped talking and smiled.

We greeted each other after which I joined them at the table.

"Are we going somewhere?", I asked them.

"Yes, you and Sebastian are going for your honeymoon", mom replied.

Oh, honeymoon...wait, what?!

"Honeymoon?!", I almost shouted taking them by surprise.

"What's so shocking in that?", Dad questioned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout but... honeymoon...I think we are fine without it. We can go there some other time", this time I said gently and softly.

"No excuses, Cicilia", mom said, "we have already planned out everything for both of you. The plane is waiting and will take off in few hours, so, get ready."

"But mom, we are fine without it, we can--"

I didn't speak any further because mom gave me a glare, so I shut my mouth.

"What is happening here?", a voice suddenly said from behind me and all the eyes turned towards Seb.

"Oh, so you are awake", mom said, "we are sending you both on a honeymoon."

Seb stood there with a puzzled expression on his face as if he was trying to process what mom said.
Realisation seemed to dawn upon him as his puzzled look changed into a shocked one.

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