CHAPTER 28: Three Magical Words

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Cicilia's POV:
Two weeks later...

I can't keep quiet anymore...I wanted to tell him that I love him but I am not able to.

The past few weeks, only made me mad. I spent the whole day thinking about him, I don't feel like eating even, although Seb forcefully makes me eat.
I can't sleep at night, I know this sounds dramatical and clichè but it's true.

Amanda told me to confess but everytime I am about to confess, not a single word comes out of my mouth. I just stand there, looking at his face while he gives me a weird look and then I just say that I forgot what I wanted to tell you, lethologica you know.

Seb that day, made me understand what he wanted to say about my job. And he was right too, so, I have quit my job.
I will be joining a new one after an year or I will work at his company only.

So, after putting Angela to sleep(she sleeps a lot), I waited for Seb in our bedroom.

He said he would be late but I wanted to wait for him(I don't know why).

I started to feel a bit sleepy as it was midnight already and it was then, Seb walked into the room.

"Why are you still awake?", He asked and I put my phone down.

"Just like that."

He removed his suit jacket and stretched his hands and rotated his neck.

"Is it paining?", I asked him, pointing towards his neck.

"A little."

"Want me to massage it?", I said walking upto him.

"No, it's okay, darling", he said kissing my forehead.

I pouted, showing him my puppy eyes, saying, "But I wanna give you a massage."

"Okay, fine, he sighed, "first let me change." And I nodded happily and watched him go into the washroom.

He walked out a few minutes later, in his boxers.

"Lay on the bed, on your stomach", I told him and he nodded before lying down on the bed, the way I told him.

I went over to him and slowly sat on his back, before I slowly started massaging his neck.

He sighed heavily in relief as I undid all the knots in his muscles. I massaged his scalp gently.

"You have magic in your hands, darling", he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Thanks", I said blushing.

A massaged him for a few more minutes after which he stopped me by holding my hands.

"My pain has vanished darling, you can stop."

I hummed in response before getting off his back.

And I went and changed my clothes and laid on the side of my bed and Seb wrapped his arms around me before we both fell into a peaceful and a deep sleep.

The driver stopped the car infront of the cafe Amanda told me to meet her.
So, carrying Angela in my arms, I walked in to see Amanda and James sitting in a corner booth.

"Finally, you are here!", Amanda exclaimed getting up and side hugged me before sitting down beside James and after shaking hands with James, I sat opposite to them and I made Angela sit on the table.

"So, what did you want to tell me?", I asked, looking between them.

They both looked at each other before exclaiming together, "We are officially in a relationship!"

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